Maybe the OSHA "mandates" from yesterday are really just to push more negativity/closer to being forced to do the 25th at Joe?
Now it's the setup for Kamala to be portrayed as the "good" alternative?
Am I way off base here?
Before people say she's worse than Joe – both are equally bad, IMO.
I'm also still believing that once Joe is out, the whole charade is going to be exposed. There was a prophecy saying such, too, back in early 2021.
Edit, here's the link to that prophecy:
Agree totally. IMHO, Biden was only selected for the name recognition. Harris wasn't even liked by the 'normal' democrats. Someone BIG put her in...
Think about what happened since yesterday. A lot of Republican Governor’s rushed to oppose the mandates, which on the surface seems great. But even Kemp from Georgia jumped on the bandwagon. That sets off some alarm bells.
Is this a move to give Republican Governors and State Legislatures cover for not conducting forensic audits of the 2020 election? They can claim they were too busy fighting these mandates, limited resources, etc.
Meanwhile audits and election reform takes a backseat as this slowly winds its way through the courts. Before we know it, it is 2022 and we’re being told we have to re-elect all of these Republicans because only they can keep up the fight, fresh-faced MAGA candidates are too risky.
With one unconstitutional act the DS gets what they want, putting the 2020 election so far in the rear view mirror that the majority of people move on. But unlike some of our elected officials we can walk and chew gum at the same time. And they can contract out audits while fighting these unconstitutional mandates at the same time. No excuses!
i dunno it may be gamesmanship with respect to the coming budget fights, and infrastructure bill.
Budget ceiling debate is coming up yet again. I would hope congress would oppose the mandate and threaten to pull funding for stuff that xiden wants. WH strategists, knowing this may be pushing the mandate out there as a sacrificial lamb they can take back as a bargaining chip in their negotiations in the budget ceiling and infrastructure bills. as in they will remove the mandate in order to get their ceiling and infrastructure commie bills passed.
Eeewwww gross but you may be right. Hope others are able to see through it. I think that the less that this actually gets off the ground the more dumb it becomes as a bargaining chip.
The agenda stays the same. Heels up or down won't matter.
it does not matter though. they are both part of the same cabal and will push the same things told to them from above.
I have felt like that is why they are having biden do all this dumb shit, however kamala is not moving up in popularity lol.only the morons who think dipshit is doing well, will be the ones that support heels up. And that is not very many people anymore.
Announced yesterday, OSHA is the agency they're trying to use for forcing it.
Another acronym agency that, ultimately, needs defunding/dismantling.
No, was in CA either today or yesterday campaigning.