They are very bright and capable and are damn fine engineers.
I mean even that YouTube channel Mark Rober engineers awesome contraptions for shits and giggles.
His videos are awesome honestly. He made that high tech porch pirate glitterbomb, a contraption that can kick perfect 100 yard field goals, and a ton of other geeky things.
I got the "Mighty Saturns" set of DVD years ago. All Apollo launches and tests. The whole launch in full surround sound with up close camera angles and full mission control stuff.. 20 tons of kerosine per second being burned is awesome!
It was like standing a WW2 DD on its tail and powering it straight up into the sky. And yes, we did land on the moon and return safely.
Conspiracies are fun to follow, and many are true, but sometimes we want to believe anything but the official narrative. And I can't blame people for not wanting to believe.
But it's not far-fetched to believe we made it to the moon. Could the footage have been docked? Maybe. Maybe the cameras didn't work out there and we had nothing to show.
Who knows.
Now as for what lies on the moon, that's another rabbit hole.
We had a rainy spell after the first moon landing, and my aunt said it was because of the astronauts messing with the moon. That puzzled me at the time, but I didn't say anything.
Globe earth is the psyop. Created by masons, pushed in schools by Rockefeller funded text books. The whole world was learning flat earth in public school up into the 1920s. Your whole life is a lie. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can truly wake up.
Globe earth was invented by freemasons. You obviously don't know shit about the heliocentric model or else you'd easily be able to see all the 666s involved with their math and distances.
Said from someone that has been awake on many stuffs since his whole life, but fell in the NASA trap for to much time; Moon landing was utterly fake, i remember seeing that videos when i was young and being so stunned by the thing, looking now at the spaceship used, and the 'source code' that was handmade in i don't remember exactly how many books, it's just a fucking big LOL
And now btw, we can't go back there because they forgot the variables used and it's to complex to recreate the thing?
Source: i'm an Enterprise IT engineer and i do design and build some electronic/IOT hardware too, that thing could be a cool backyard BBQ
Anyway, a simple 'review' of those two facts was enough, but i've been digging on that after, watched tons of X hours longs video, and i had the confirmation of some ideas i had about the earth (have been searching and digging on maps and subject for quite some time, also due to Antarctica, Nazis, Poles, tales from the 'inner earth', etc )
Ii'm gonna leave some material here, still searching for but i can't find in which video exactly, there was a piece in which they toke the first and original picture from the NASA website, edited it a little to pop off how the 'earth' image was stickd to the background, and other interesting stuffs
Some articles with interesting parallel rabbit holes
id suggest also some reading on the various theories about the moon being an alien station, or the 'reincarnation system' engine, etc etc, not for much, but the more things you read, the more details against the official narrative you can put together, and from there you can see what does resonate with you
Some videos, good luck, some are quite long, but overall you'll see many stuffs explained (many of those long videos are made by the same guy, from my point of view he's entirely off on some stuffs, but still gives you details hardly you'll find somewhere else (this is much also Qish on many thing, id' suggest to watch it all and then see the updated version regarding to the earth, if you wanna jump straight otherwise should start around 1.12m, episode 9)
Not sure it's in one of those, hope so but not sure, there was a part, showing also how all of the astronauts are freemasons, and also that, the crew of the challenger didn't in fact die but, was recycled after some years for another trip
Also, if you are familiar with the 'holographic matrix' thing, i'm going to leave you this picture taken from an old FM video, that once put in relation with the 'dark side of the moon', will make you think, specially if you match this card from the illuminati deck
To close, basically NASA is their cover for system, and for their dirty stuffs, they can burn endless cash without giving out explanations, plus with all those stuffs, one of the biggest reasons i think, they try throw you an answer (as always already vetted by...them) that tells you basically are the result of an explosion in the space, so feel lucky, don't try to understand why you are here or what's live or anything else, no need, science has the answers already
Aka bring away our attention to the fact that there's a creator, a higher you, that life is not just what we live on this planet, and endless more stuffs, to keep you warm in your bubble world
Thanks so much for all the info!
Saved to read later.
I'm honestly curious & open to this.
One point re: not having ability to re-create / re-build today;
I think what that means is like the SR71;
(Unless you think that is fake too LOL...... sorry couldn't resist 😁😂😘 )
The SR71 was truly groundbreaking. Not only was it very unique in terms of the materials it was constructed from; largely titanium; but the tools, machines, equipment; literally everything used to make it was all brand new and created just for the SR71.
They couldn't just go down to the local neighborhood hardware store and buy tools to build; they had to create from scratch freakin all the TOOLS used to construct, repair, maintain the SR.
So no; they wouldn't be able to magically and quickly re-start production of the SR today.
I believe it's the same for the rockets & all hardware used to take us to the moon; ALL the tools, tech, equipment; that's all lost to time.
It technically could be re-done, but it would be a massive undertaking and the will and budget isn't there..... I guess.....
I hope I'm explaining it well, and I could be wrong, but just a thought.....
Like I said; Thanks for your reply & I'll look at the links & such later.
One thing regarding the image you posted of NASA with the snake & Nazis;
No offense, but that doesn't prove nor convince me of anything.
In fact; if you are stating that Nazis, via operation Paperclip, were all routed into NASA: that IMO makes it that much MORE likely that we not only went to the moon, but achieved all sorts of amazing things because the Germans are fucking smart.
I've not dug deep into it, but weren't the nazi scientists super into the occult, aliens, advanced technology; all sorts of crazy shit?
Good, hopefully we'll have more whistle-blowers telling the world how fake NASA and it's tales are, and where our taxes and money are going
I've known a couple of NASA (current and former).
They are very bright and capable and are damn fine engineers.
I mean even that YouTube channel Mark Rober engineers awesome contraptions for shits and giggles.
His videos are awesome honestly. He made that high tech porch pirate glitterbomb, a contraption that can kick perfect 100 yard field goals, and a ton of other geeky things.
I got the "Mighty Saturns" set of DVD years ago. All Apollo launches and tests. The whole launch in full surround sound with up close camera angles and full mission control stuff.. 20 tons of kerosine per second being burned is awesome! It was like standing a WW2 DD on its tail and powering it straight up into the sky. And yes, we did land on the moon and return safely.
Conspiracies are fun to follow, and many are true, but sometimes we want to believe anything but the official narrative. And I can't blame people for not wanting to believe.
But it's not far-fetched to believe we made it to the moon. Could the footage have been docked? Maybe. Maybe the cameras didn't work out there and we had nothing to show.
Who knows.
Now as for what lies on the moon, that's another rabbit hole.
Hollow Earth? There are some theories.
Flat earth? Psyop.
We had a rainy spell after the first moon landing, and my aunt said it was because of the astronauts messing with the moon. That puzzled me at the time, but I didn't say anything.
Sign me up for the what's on the moon club. It would be like Colunbus discovering America and not going back for 50 years.
Globe earth is the psyop. Created by masons, pushed in schools by Rockefeller funded text books. The whole world was learning flat earth in public school up into the 1920s. Your whole life is a lie. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can truly wake up.
Globe earth was invented by freemasons. You obviously don't know shit about the heliocentric model or else you'd easily be able to see all the 666s involved with their math and distances.
Wait, more??
OK there are enough people here saying this.....
Please throw me some links / point me to some rabbit holes to go down this weekend.... how is NASA fake???
Other than the possibility of the moon landing being faked... which I'm not sure of....
Said from someone that has been awake on many stuffs since his whole life, but fell in the NASA trap for to much time; Moon landing was utterly fake, i remember seeing that videos when i was young and being so stunned by the thing, looking now at the spaceship used, and the 'source code' that was handmade in i don't remember exactly how many books, it's just a fucking big LOL
And now btw, we can't go back there because they forgot the variables used and it's to complex to recreate the thing?
Source: i'm an Enterprise IT engineer and i do design and build some electronic/IOT hardware too, that thing could be a cool backyard BBQ
Anyway, a simple 'review' of those two facts was enough, but i've been digging on that after, watched tons of X hours longs video, and i had the confirmation of some ideas i had about the earth (have been searching and digging on maps and subject for quite some time, also due to Antarctica, Nazis, Poles, tales from the 'inner earth', etc )
Ii'm gonna leave some material here, still searching for but i can't find in which video exactly, there was a piece in which they toke the first and original picture from the NASA website, edited it a little to pop off how the 'earth' image was stickd to the background, and other interesting stuffs
Some articles with interesting parallel rabbit holes
Some videos, good luck, some are quite long, but overall you'll see many stuffs explained (many of those long videos are made by the same guy, from my point of view he's entirely off on some stuffs, but still gives you details hardly you'll find somewhere else (this is much also Qish on many thing, id' suggest to watch it all and then see the updated version regarding to the earth, if you wanna jump straight otherwise should start around 1.12m, episode 9) (famous water bubbles passing around) (notice the transparent cables keeping the people up....)
Not sure it's in one of those, hope so but not sure, there was a part, showing also how all of the astronauts are freemasons, and also that, the crew of the challenger didn't in fact die but, was recycled after some years for another trip
Also this channel has some interesting stuffs
This little pearl that sums it all
Also, if you are familiar with the 'holographic matrix' thing, i'm going to leave you this picture taken from an old FM video, that once put in relation with the 'dark side of the moon', will make you think, specially if you match this card from the illuminati deck
To close, basically NASA is their cover for system, and for their dirty stuffs, they can burn endless cash without giving out explanations, plus with all those stuffs, one of the biggest reasons i think, they try throw you an answer (as always already vetted by...them) that tells you basically are the result of an explosion in the space, so feel lucky, don't try to understand why you are here or what's live or anything else, no need, science has the answers already
Aka bring away our attention to the fact that there's a creator, a higher you, that life is not just what we live on this planet, and endless more stuffs, to keep you warm in your bubble world
Thanks so much for all the info! Saved to read later.
I'm honestly curious & open to this.
One point re: not having ability to re-create / re-build today;
I think what that means is like the SR71; (Unless you think that is fake too LOL...... sorry couldn't resist 😁😂😘 )
The SR71 was truly groundbreaking. Not only was it very unique in terms of the materials it was constructed from; largely titanium; but the tools, machines, equipment; literally everything used to make it was all brand new and created just for the SR71.
They couldn't just go down to the local neighborhood hardware store and buy tools to build; they had to create from scratch freakin all the TOOLS used to construct, repair, maintain the SR.
So no; they wouldn't be able to magically and quickly re-start production of the SR today.
I believe it's the same for the rockets & all hardware used to take us to the moon; ALL the tools, tech, equipment; that's all lost to time.
It technically could be re-done, but it would be a massive undertaking and the will and budget isn't there..... I guess.....
I hope I'm explaining it well, and I could be wrong, but just a thought.....
Like I said; Thanks for your reply & I'll look at the links & such later.
Thank You!
One thing regarding the image you posted of NASA with the snake & Nazis; No offense, but that doesn't prove nor convince me of anything.
In fact; if you are stating that Nazis, via operation Paperclip, were all routed into NASA: that IMO makes it that much MORE likely that we not only went to the moon, but achieved all sorts of amazing things because the Germans are fucking smart.
I've not dug deep into it, but weren't the nazi scientists super into the occult, aliens, advanced technology; all sorts of crazy shit?
6000 years of jews gets you talmud sanhedrin 54b:20 and an invite to a party on Epstein's island
60 years of Von Braun gets you to the moon.
NASA Astronaut, Don Pettit, on how he'd love to go to the Moon but "we destroyed that technology" so it's now impossible:
Watching the 5 hour doc. Who did this? Hm?