No kidding. The problem isn't trans people. They can have their own make-believe world in their own tumblr / twitter bubble. Nobody gives a shit about that. The problem is that these mentally ill people are being used as a weapon by making laws to force the rest of society to go along with their delusions.
When the tranny psyop was in full gear in 2015 and 16 and inserted fbi cointelpro tranny informants into every underground scene, they were memeing about some native American tribes that had a class for people believed to have both male and female spirits or whatever. Esoteric niche weird culture shit they appropriated with no context.
No. "Hispanic" means "from a Spanish-speaking decent". Caucasian is a word meaning "White" from European, North Africa or Western Asia decent. Spain is in Europe and is predominately white. Some Hispanics are white, some are black, some are mixed race. Hispanic is not a race. According to demographics from the US Census bureau, the categories for race are "White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander"
It's Native. Two-spirit means a person who identifies as both. I have a gay native friend who explained it to me that way. In their culture, two-spirit people were not shamed but held a certain place in society. As a woman, I assumed that 'two-spirit' just meant a gay man who existed between the male and female divide.
Well they just need to go in for some auditing from the good Scientology folk. After they empty their life savings of 10 million or more into the holy coffers of said church, I'm sure they will be declared Clear.... Or blackmailed for more money..... Or subjected to false imprisonment....Or raped and murdered and thrown off the side of L Ron Hubard's old yacht.... Or perhaps one of the many other insane stories I've read about that "church".
Essentially, it’s just a third gender. I believe that one is Indian (as in, from India), but there are a lot of cultures that have a third gender sort of built in to their system.
I don’t imagine it’s interesting reading for this community, but that is the answer to your question.
Split personality/schizophrenic
my first thought
Ah! I choose to identify with this interpretation system.
Possessed people?
From her words, my first thought was a self identifying group that seeks out possession by demons.
No kidding. The problem isn't trans people. They can have their own make-believe world in their own tumblr / twitter bubble. Nobody gives a shit about that. The problem is that these mentally ill people are being used as a weapon by making laws to force the rest of society to go along with their delusions.
Mental disorders HAVE always existed, you're right AOC.
Um, just wondering, how drunk do I have to get before this makes since?
When the tranny psyop was in full gear in 2015 and 16 and inserted fbi cointelpro tranny informants into every underground scene, they were memeing about some native American tribes that had a class for people believed to have both male and female spirits or whatever. Esoteric niche weird culture shit they appropriated with no context.
I don't know the answer to that question.
But I came here to say that they photoshopped the fuck out of her photo to make her a tiny bit more caucasian looking.
Pretty racist imo...
Well, technically - she is Caucasian, so there is that.
Hispanics are considered caucasian? Really??
No. "Hispanic" means "from a Spanish-speaking decent". Caucasian is a word meaning "White" from European, North Africa or Western Asia decent. Spain is in Europe and is predominately white. Some Hispanics are white, some are black, some are mixed race. Hispanic is not a race. According to demographics from the US Census bureau, the categories for race are "White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander"
People from Spain and Portugal are Caucasian. Most people in Central America and South America have more European blood than Indian blood.
I regret searching for and discovering the answer to your question.
Now you all can be informed to this absolute clown world insanity as well:
Isn’t ‘Two-spirit’ just demon possession with extra steps?
Crazy people have always existed.
Third gender I believe
Demon possessed, think Legion, “we are many”
At least this time I am just childish and not racist.
It's Native. Two-spirit means a person who identifies as both. I have a gay native friend who explained it to me that way. In their culture, two-spirit people were not shamed but held a certain place in society. As a woman, I assumed that 'two-spirit' just meant a gay man who existed between the male and female divide.
Well they just need to go in for some auditing from the good Scientology folk. After they empty their life savings of 10 million or more into the holy coffers of said church, I'm sure they will be declared Clear.... Or blackmailed for more money..... Or subjected to false imprisonment....Or raped and murdered and thrown off the side of L Ron Hubard's old yacht.... Or perhaps one of the many other insane stories I've read about that "church".
baphomey just like AOC narcissist
Titled..."Smoking Crack With Hunter Biden".
Essentially, it’s just a third gender. I believe that one is Indian (as in, from India), but there are a lot of cultures that have a third gender sort of built in to their system.
I don’t imagine it’s interesting reading for this community, but that is the answer to your question.