WTF? Holy sht … wow …I’m guessing Dr. Jill wasn’t the one who was originally planning on speaking. What a sht show. Aside from the distraction with the resident wondering off, what the heck is she talking about? I’m continuously shocked at how incredibly unintelligent - and just plain stupid the Biden’s are. So bizarre.
I have worked with dementia patients and the childlike look on Biden’s face when he pulled down his mask, and without any concern regarding where he was shouting out something, says it all. Whether it is the real Biden or an actor makes no difference.
Looks like he turned around, saw someone, went over to check with them, and came back. Not sinister...but inept. You have to be charitable if you are lacking complete context. (Plenty of other evidence he is an unwound cuckoo clock.)
There backs are firmly against the wall. The "our patients is wearing out" bullshit was meant to inflame people and it is against his belligerent administration and the rest of the dems. No president has any (PROVEN) legal right to mandate you take a vax. It might not seem like it but we are winning. They're losing badly!! All eyes on AZ for the final death blow to these fuckers!!
Jill, "the reliefe of not having to hear 'I'm boored', again and again.
Meanwhile, Joe "Im boored, whats over there"
Something to sniff no doubt
What brain? LOL.
The sponge between his ears.
No one commenting on the obvious light/dark symbolism? Think that's an accident?
He already forgot his patience is thin
His attention is even more thin than his patience.
WTF? Holy sht … wow …I’m guessing Dr. Jill wasn’t the one who was originally planning on speaking. What a sht show. Aside from the distraction with the resident wondering off, what the heck is she talking about? I’m continuously shocked at how incredibly unintelligent - and just plain stupid the Biden’s are. So bizarre.
Xiden must have seen a child who needed sniffing.
Jill Biden makes Michelle Obama seem interesting.
Seriously...3 secs in I’m already checking how much longer there is to go’s worse than working out.
Hahaha same here, “oh phew it’s only 39 seconds I can do this.”
He knows how those mics can pic up a fart at 6 feet.
We are soon going to witness the first POTUS to shit his pants in public and actually announce what he did while giving one of his rambling speeches.
he was running to the shitter
He had to go sniff a first grader he noticed across the playground...
He was looking for the line of kids to sniff while waiting for his pudding.
Aaaaaand, the hamster jumped off the wheel.
I have worked with dementia patients and the childlike look on Biden’s face when he pulled down his mask, and without any concern regarding where he was shouting out something, says it all. Whether it is the real Biden or an actor makes no difference.
Same, that's what it looks like to me. Worked in geriatrics and I'm familiar with dementia up close as well.
Looks like he turned around, saw someone, went over to check with them, and came back. Not sinister...but inept. You have to be charitable if you are lacking complete context. (Plenty of other evidence he is an unwound cuckoo clock.)
or he made a b line to the shitter and decided it's too late
The best part is when his off camera handlers turn him back around again.
Who is she and why is she rambling nervously
Somebody back there going “ Come here Joey, whistle, whistle, here boy”.
Learn to speak Bidenese
She has a terrible and jarring speaking voice and style.
And have some Corn pop
Full segment
He heard a pudding cup being opened.
WTH was that??
I did not watch the ceremony, but hasn't every POTUS spoke at that ceremony since 2002?
There backs are firmly against the wall. The "our patients is wearing out" bullshit was meant to inflame people and it is against his belligerent administration and the rest of the dems. No president has any (PROVEN) legal right to mandate you take a vax. It might not seem like it but we are winning. They're losing badly!! All eyes on AZ for the final death blow to these fuckers!!
So many kids to sniff, so little time
Come on man, they put him in the sun. Did you expect for him to stand there?🙄