The number of shills making the same argument "A plane is a missile" and "I have people who actually witnessed the plane hitting the pentagon" and other reddit-style shilling makes you wonder if this was the real target ...
In the good old days, all I had to say was
'No planes hit any buildings on 911'
They would come out of the woodwork to say they were there and saw the planes strike the building, or their uncle saw the planes hit the buildings etc.
It was quite hilarious how stupid that was. If you have a post with 200 views what are the odds that somebody was in NYC that day, close enough to see, and watching it at the time.
After mocking them for the 3rd or 4th time, the bots stopped doing that. Oh well.
My favorite version of their talking points is "My aunt died at Sandy Hook", written by someone on the Patch (fake local online news). Then lots of other people who had nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts would pop up declaring anyone who questioned to be a total degenerate making fun of a tragedy. Same playbook every time.
Like this one:
Incidentally I was there just couple of days before that. I even have a street art with the date to prove it! I used to live in DC and we used to go to NYC all the time. Had a few friends who worked in Manhattan and a few friends in New Jersey who visited Manhattan often.
Yet, I don't know a single person who witnessed the crashes, except for one friend who worked in one of the towers and passed away.
So when I hear people claiming they were there, or they know a bunch of friends who saw it all ... yeah sure.
Seth Mnookin claimed he was in Manhattan on 9/11, and witnessed the planes hit the WTC.
Mnookin also claimed he took a photo of the Boston Naked Man (Tamerlan Tsarnaev)
Mnookin also claims vaccines DO NOT cause autism.
Being a professional liar is a good gig, if you can get it
Good gig for the bank account, bad gig for the soul. Matt 6:21 "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
lizard ppl imo
so you think all those diff camera angles from people on the ground or nearby were faked?
Yes. This is my favorite fake-ass CGI. Supposedly, the NBC reporter accidently left his camera recording and accidently got this fake CGI footage of a plane with wings made of thin aluminum sheet metal entering a building with a steel frame exoskeleton, like it was flying through butter.
This moronic video is hard to find now because they realized how easy it was to identify as a fake. But they tried to pass it off.
looks like that plane is made of something 10x stronger than steel
“They were only there to document the attack”
I noticed a Muslim man recording during a famous school shooting I was involved in...makes sense
We used to catch IED bomb-crew members by scanning an area right after an IED explosion...looking for peripheral photographers can often reap huge rewards.
CGI much?
very coordinated CGI...plausible for sure.