Trump's statement on Milley. Calls it Fake News yet Treason. So which is it???
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He’s not debating the treason part - he’s suggesting that him even considering attacking China with a Nuke is fake news. Ultimately that’s what the article is aimed to make people think. That in his final hours in office Trump was considering doing something rash.
☝🏻This! Milley did committed treason by admitting to making those phone calls but the part about Trump being unhinged and contemplating war is fake news.
This! The second paragraph would then read that milley and two journalist created this story about Milley. I think the third paragraph clarifies it well, please re-read.....took me at least three reads lol
“I am the only president who didn’t get the U.S. into a war...”
“I was the only president who didn’t get the U.S. into a war..” 🤔
Details !
Ever look around and think people are in a 'alternative universe'? Ours & Theirs are just starting to collide. DS is trying frantically to stop it. All the propaganda is turned way UP. Amazing time to be AWAKE. u/#timebomb
IF Milley called China Trump would assume he would be tried for treason: conditional statement wrapped around "Milley is responsible for Afghan military disaster." Thus Afghanistan and treason are linked without a real statement to that effect.
On to new thought: "It's fake news." Your mind is still on the last thought about treason and incompetence, but Trump goes on to clarify that attacking China is the fake news. Thus he is reassuring about his own sanity while leaving the other stuff out there.
Why does reading comprehension seem low related to that one part? It caught me off guard at first read, then I re-read it and understood. I've seen a whole bunch of posts based around this exact point since it was posted.
That was my point in posting, to get people to read it closely for themselves.
Trump calls Milley a dumbass for a reason.
That part is very true. Remember, Trump is always right.
Only most of the time! He is human after all. A very alpha sexual T-Rex human.... A legend if you will lol. Only God is ALWAYS right 😉
Distraction from CA Recall Fraud
Yes the timing is too obvious.
book #3 from the left leaning author about the Trump Admin in the WH...way too coincidental..
Action to be taken against Milley = For his blunder in Afghanistan
Consider this possibility - Milley is Trump's inside guy - Trump appointed him and he's still there and playing the part of their inside guy - this announcement from PDJT basically calls the story bullshit and provides cover for Milley as at pertains to Treason and also has PDTJ protecting his inside guy by calling him a "Dumbass" and saying he should be removed. 5D chess. What makes a good movie? Great actors.
The whole thing hinges on a claim in a book. We don't yet have transcripts of his calls but Judicial Watch FOIA'd them in March. We also have that Chinese defector out there somewhere....... what was the timing of that?