The French built the lab in Wuhan and supplied the initial wave of experts to staff the lab. French defense billionaire Dasault, maker of jets and helicopters and weapons, was in bed with China and recently killed in a helicopter crash.
More going on behind the scenes than they are telling us. French government might have ended up on the revenge list for covid.
Sub deal is weird. AUS passed a law making it illegal to generate electricity using a nuclear reactor. So they buy nuclear subs from France, except without the reactor. They retrofit them with diesel engines. Big govt money laundering deal, meanwhile AUS navy is no threat because their subs are gimped.
I've been waiting for this deal to fall apart. Trump was trying to sell them (actual) nuclear subs. With China being so threatening lately i have been waiting for them to buy real subs.
There is a lot more to it. Apparently, this deal of switching from France's deal to American submarine deal comes with stationing American submarines in Australia permanently - some consider this as the pretext for starting a war with China.
The only curiosity I have is, whether Xi is actually White Hat. Q teased us with the "What if Russia and China are working together with Trump to take down the NWO"
france is run by the rothschilds....macron is their puppet.....
It’s homebase since being kicked out of Bavaria.
do they run the fed? or is that warburg?
Over a submarine deal? Something fishy is going on!
Some believe this is a cover for Biden to sell subs to China to invade Taiwan.
I don’t know if I believe that, but I guess we will see.
its def not....its a deal that must have started when Trump was Pres....which means Devolution is almost certainly happening
The French built the lab in Wuhan and supplied the initial wave of experts to staff the lab. French defense billionaire Dasault, maker of jets and helicopters and weapons, was in bed with China and recently killed in a helicopter crash.
More going on behind the scenes than they are telling us. French government might have ended up on the revenge list for covid.
Sub deal is weird. AUS passed a law making it illegal to generate electricity using a nuclear reactor. So they buy nuclear subs from France, except without the reactor. They retrofit them with diesel engines. Big govt money laundering deal, meanwhile AUS navy is no threat because their subs are gimped.
I've been waiting for this deal to fall apart. Trump was trying to sell them (actual) nuclear subs. With China being so threatening lately i have been waiting for them to buy real subs.
australia is buying subs from america now,not france. this is def trumps doing. biden had nothing to do with it
France was reportedly in an agreement to sell Australia billions of dollars worth of nuclear submarines.
They bought them from us instead.
There is a lot more to it. Apparently, this deal of switching from France's deal to American submarine deal comes with stationing American submarines in Australia permanently - some consider this as the pretext for starting a war with China.
this, its an anti china move and therefore....Trump is involved, not Xiden
The only curiosity I have is, whether Xi is actually White Hat. Q teased us with the "What if Russia and China are working together with Trump to take down the NWO"
I have a hunch that any invasion of Taiwan is the red line that would push the military to finally publicly take control.
It is one of the necessary events. Another one being market crash
Makes me wonder if AUKUS is really about going against China? Or is it going against the NWO army - including Europe ?
Biden starting a war with France after quitting the war with the Taliban. He's got to do something to earn back his credibility.