Laundrie (with his dirty feet) and Gabby fighting = airing dirty laundry?
Moonflower = Datura = Angel Trumpet = White Devil's Trumpet. Blooms at night.
"This plant has a weedy nature and, in some cases, can become borderline invasive. As the life of the beautiful white blooms comes to an end, a thorny pod begins to develop. Initially, the thorns are soft, but as they age and expand, they'll become hard and sharp. Once they're ripe, the pods will burst open and drop hundreds of seeds for next year's growth."
"As beautiful as this plant may be, it is deadly if ingested."
Now, here's the last bit of weirdness. I read this morning -- and I thought it was in the main article here -- that Gabby had called/texted? her mother and referred to her grandfather as Stan, something she never called him. Now, I can't seem to find the reference, for some odd reason. At the time when I read it, I wondered if "Stan" could be short for "Afghanistan." I'll have to see if I can find where I saw that, but for now, dinner calls. ;-)
I'm predicting Brain Washing will show up on Friday and there will be some big shootout or something .... I'll be watching the audits, thank you very much!
I believe that this terrible situation was picked up and used by the FIB and was meant to portray the FIB as heroes instead of zeroes..
They still screwed it up and continue to look like the incompetent, incapable losers they are..
Whether this was a planned false flag or a coincidence🙄🙄, it was definitely used by the FIB to TRY to make themselves look better-complete and utter failure per usual..
I totally agree. Just look this morning at FOX News online. This story about this girl is Front Page news AND also the next TWO additional news stories, as our Country and World is absolutely ludicrous and appears to be done with purpose. But why....
Right?!? I said the same to myfe!! This is just some blonde chick, with no bra, and hard nipples they keep putting front and center. What about the kids being murdered every weekend in Chicago? What about the other 1000 missing children cases. THIS ONE gets national attention 24/7?? What?! How about the MILLIONS sick and DYING from COVID KEK!!
The chest cam vid from the cop who supposedly was one of the last people to see Gabbie Petito alive. She's dead, there's a manhunt for her husband (or was, it was called off in FL because no one can "find" him), and his family is being tight lipped about his whereabouts and what they know.
Just search Gabbie Petitio video and you'll find it on every video site.
Yeah, I haven't seen the vid yet, but have heard about Luciferin symbolism all up in it. And yes, no cop in their right mind would ever let anyone, much less a suspect, walk around their squad car like that.
Just off the cuff and without seeing the vid, I'm thinking this dude's family is Freemason connected, as are the cops in the vid. I know some Freemasons, and freemason cops, and some of the shit I've heard from them, if true, would turn people's stomachs. They can, AND do, literally get away with murder. And no one's there to put a stop to it. Why? Because most lawyers and judges are Masons, as well.
Like Carlin routinely said, "It's a big ole club, and you ain't in it. You and I are not in it."
I'm immensely disappointed with OAN with their over-the-top time they've spent on this BS. Human interest story? There are multiple hundreds available right now and they go for a cheap narrative, poor internet influencer angle.
Total Rabbit Hole: I started reading the content of this story and it listed a number to call to give tips to the FBI. 1 800 CALL FBI. So I translated the letters to numbers 1 800 2255 324 and did a duck duck search. First entries were about spam numbers then about 8 entries down there is a link to a Tammy Jo Alexander 1979 young FL girl found dead in NY unsolved murder with the 1 800 CALL FBI. I clicked on that entry and the link is to a YouTube Video of some blond woman named Gabby talking about how she likes to research old crimes. The video is super weird and her arms look strange too.....
The story is full of comms, too.
Oh, Wulfie! I was hoping I would get to chat with you about this. Gabby Poquito? Brian Laundrie? MOAB? and look at this article ...
Well, all of these articles have comms. One had some kind of computer address, I'll find out. This one has a map.
I did a partial decode of this the other day:
I'll need to take a closer look at the latest news, but I've got a few places I have to go today, so it will be awhile before I can do it.
Great! Have a good day!
Okay, I'm back...
First we have a mention of 911 = 9/11 (as in Sept. 11) = IXXI (Roman numerals)
Here's an earlier post of mine on the significance of IXXI (Freemasonry):
We've Overlooked a Very Significant Freemasonic Symbol: IXXI. Please Read.
We also have "toxic relationship."
Is there some MK Ultra going on here?"
Mention of a psychologist -- person doing the brainwashing.
Involvement of Melissa Hulls. Hulls = empty shells = MK Ultra victim?
Laundrie (with his dirty feet) and Gabby fighting = airing dirty laundry?
Moonflower = Datura = Angel Trumpet = White Devil's Trumpet. Blooms at night.
"This plant has a weedy nature and, in some cases, can become borderline invasive. As the life of the beautiful white blooms comes to an end, a thorny pod begins to develop. Initially, the thorns are soft, but as they age and expand, they'll become hard and sharp. Once they're ripe, the pods will burst open and drop hundreds of seeds for next year's growth."
"As beautiful as this plant may be, it is deadly if ingested."
Now, here's the last bit of weirdness. I read this morning -- and I thought it was in the main article here -- that Gabby had called/texted? her mother and referred to her grandfather as Stan, something she never called him. Now, I can't seem to find the reference, for some odd reason. At the time when I read it, I wondered if "Stan" could be short for "Afghanistan." I'll have to see if I can find where I saw that, but for now, dinner calls. ;-)
Also, Wulfie, MOAB .... mother of all bombs, correct?
Correct, fren.
I'm predicting Brain Washing will show up on Friday and there will be some big shootout or something .... I'll be watching the audits, thank you very much!
Link to daily mail stating Forensic Psychologist Dr. Zic Ezra Cohen......
It came to me last night…
I believe that this is a false flag..
I believe that this terrible situation was picked up and used by the FIB and was meant to portray the FIB as heroes instead of zeroes..
They still screwed it up and continue to look like the incompetent, incapable losers they are..
Whether this was a planned false flag or a coincidence🙄🙄, it was definitely used by the FIB to TRY to make themselves look better-complete and utter failure per usual..
They are not failures, remember, destroying the lives of Americans is their true goal, and they are doing that rather well
I totally agree. Just look this morning at FOX News online. This story about this girl is Front Page news AND also the next TWO additional news stories, as our Country and World is absolutely ludicrous and appears to be done with purpose. But why....
Right?!? I said the same to myfe!! This is just some blonde chick, with no bra, and hard nipples they keep putting front and center. What about the kids being murdered every weekend in Chicago? What about the other 1000 missing children cases. THIS ONE gets national attention 24/7?? What?! How about the MILLIONS sick and DYING from COVID KEK!!
I was searching her photos for comms and saw this story on an Italian site…like, why?
Gabbie Petito indian name is Little Talks Too Much
Everything about this story is off.
What video?
The chest cam vid from the cop who supposedly was one of the last people to see Gabbie Petito alive. She's dead, there's a manhunt for her husband (or was, it was called off in FL because no one can "find" him), and his family is being tight lipped about his whereabouts and what they know.
Just search Gabbie Petitio video and you'll find it on every video site.
Yeah, I haven't seen the vid yet, but have heard about Luciferin symbolism all up in it. And yes, no cop in their right mind would ever let anyone, much less a suspect, walk around their squad car like that.
Just off the cuff and without seeing the vid, I'm thinking this dude's family is Freemason connected, as are the cops in the vid. I know some Freemasons, and freemason cops, and some of the shit I've heard from them, if true, would turn people's stomachs. They can, AND do, literally get away with murder. And no one's there to put a stop to it. Why? Because most lawyers and judges are Masons, as well.
Like Carlin routinely said, "It's a big ole club, and you ain't in it. You and I are not in it."
I'm immensely disappointed with OAN with their over-the-top time they've spent on this BS. Human interest story? There are multiple hundreds available right now and they go for a cheap narrative, poor internet influencer angle.
Total Rabbit Hole: I started reading the content of this story and it listed a number to call to give tips to the FBI. 1 800 CALL FBI. So I translated the letters to numbers 1 800 2255 324 and did a duck duck search. First entries were about spam numbers then about 8 entries down there is a link to a Tammy Jo Alexander 1979 young FL girl found dead in NY unsolved murder with the 1 800 CALL FBI. I clicked on that entry and the link is to a YouTube Video of some blond woman named Gabby talking about how she likes to research old crimes. The video is super weird and her arms look strange too.....
Very strange to find this..
Here's the video link
Brian Laundrie indian name is Brain Washed.