I turned on my tv just a minute ago and it was on CBS. The morning show talking heads were speaking about someone on Tiktok who is a designer, or some category I didn't catch, who submitted a suggestion for their logo. It was pretty much just C BS with some basic lines in the background!
I can't believe they would show this unless they had to! I was going WOW! After I saw it. I wish someone has Tivo and could grab that clip!
I think the last thing the White Hats want to do is to destroy the MSM.
Mainstream Media has spent 2 decades building up a huge propaganda network designed to brainwash people. Those same MSM networks can now be used to UN-brainwash people. :>)
That has to be part of the plan. Use the MSM networks now to slowly wake everyone up.
TIVO 🤣🤣🤣
That was the exact same thing I said out loud. As I spit up my orange juice. Then I laughed again reading your comment. Hat tip to you !
After reading these two comments, I thought, "What, did Tivo go out of business years ago, and I didn't know?" So I looked it up on old reliable wikipedia :) and found this: "Despite having gained 234,000 subscribers in the last quarter of 2011,[33] as of January 2012 TiVo had only (approximately) 2.3 million subscribers in the United States. This is down from a peak of 4.36 million in January 2006.[34] As of January 31, 2016, TiVo reported 6.8 million subscribers.[35]"
So it's not dead yet! :)
The same people probably have "MySpace" accounts :)
Tivo fag
Lol. We all learned something new! I don't even know iw why it made me laugh.
Not sure why it's funny. I have a Tivo. It's significantly better than a cable company DVR and costs less over time. Granted, most of what's on TV is garbage, but there are a few shows I do watch, and it's handy for that.
Not as handy as fmovies.to
The "BS" separate from the "C" was way too obvious to be missed by the talking heads. I wish I could see their faces as they were talking about it, because I bet you could detect some reluctance/resentment if you were to look closely at them.
What's funny, with all the mocking of MSM, I have never seen someone refer to their network as "C BS" before; seems like a no-brainer way to mock to me :)
Kill the Mockingbird !
See B S
Dang ! They got trolled !
That's interesting. As recently as Oct. 2020, they were discussing an update, but were still going to keep the all-seeing eye logo:
This was just some viewer's suggestion, so I doubt they'll adopt it :) (but strange things are happening these days)
Ah, I overlooked the reference to Tiktok.
See Bull shit.
Arresting them is not enough. Why not use them for all they are worth first ? Why not FORCE them to help undo what they have done ? Why did Trump not kill Smith Mundt Act ?