How does the national Institute of Health continue to get away with lying profusely and continuing to say that ivermectin has no clinical trials as to its efficacy regarding covid 19 as prophylactic as well as early stage therapeutic, even late stage recovery numbers are mucb more promising. Some 90ish countries primarily use IVM as a front line treatment. One of the provinces in India that was previously very sick and leading the world in Cases is now covid free. Countries are stopping the vaccine and starting IVM. El salvador gives it free of charge as a prophylactic. Japan uses it as their #1 weapon. It looks like vax vears numbers are grossly underreported.
Anyway, how do they continue to get away with this, and what can we do? Ok, vax companies have immunity for their BS. But on the flip side, how do we get NIH to acknowledge that the numbers in these studies are even better than thair BS vax numbers. ISREAL IS NOT HELPING THE PHARMA INDUSTRY. 13 days of protection? I mean this shit is crazy. We need to go after the NIH and the CDC but how?
What is the endstate here? Even after we can take our eyes off the audits which is our duty.. how do we stop this vax madness and get IVM worldwide like it needs to be. Its not like money is an issue. Well it is, but on the wrong side. Its too cheap
The ceo of Pfizer is one of the most powerful people in the world. He is literally getting a chunk out of every dollar spent on the planet right now if you think about it. If you cant go places without the vax and you can't spend money without getting it. Then pharma is getting a chunk of every dollar spent on the planet.
Edit: thanks for sticky, I tried to fix typos: my phone has a small screen so I did the best I could. o7
Still waiting for those Double Blind Studies of the Jabs.....
I'll start holding my breath now!
On they have it. Here is the 3 month study that was used for the EUA of Pfizer jab and I use to to redpill the vaxtards who are more open to data.
(There is a 6 month study, which is even more eye opening, but couldnt be bothered to go looking for it now).
Essentially this study proves that the vaccine did not stop a single person from being hospitalised or from dying from covid - because, not a single person even in the control group was hospitalized. It also proves the efficacy of 95% is a made up number because out of 46k participants, less than 1% of the people caught covid in both control and vaccine group, making an result derived from that meaningless.
The safety data is crazy. More than 50-60% in the vaccine group had adverse events, but its glossed over.
In the 6 months study, the all-cause mortality is the biggest smoking gun. 6 more people in Vaccine group died compared to Placebo group, for a touted saving onf 1 life from the vaccine.
Ultimately, this study is what taught me how the whole "clinical double blind study" is a huge gaslighting tool. It has its place, but mostly in scientific research, not for anything practical that cannot be done under exact controlled circumstances.
Adverse event is literally ANYTHING thats not normal within that 15 mins after getting the jab? As long as you sit there and pick your nose, do not pass out, and maybe fart at the end before you leave.Do that and they will say you are normal and now vaccinated. you're "safe." In all reality hypothetical person, you're not safe. You are ARGUABLY in more danger now than you ever have been. Your body is now a ticking time bomb and no one knows when it will explode. But rest assured it will.
Soon they will be like the vax is bad. We made a mistake, but we have the cure, we can neutralize what the vax did to your body But first I want you to dance. Strip down and dance. Call your wife tell her to bring all your money. Its mine now if you want this cure. Better hurry. You are running out of time. Tick tock..
"You developed horns and a tail? Nothing to worry, thats perfectly normal."
Part of Science is empirical data: originating in or based on observation or experience.
They saw it would work. Use it now and set up double-blind studies for later.
How many shades of purple are you now? May want to rethink your strategy.
u/Lenguado died of Covid
You mean the trials on the animals that had to be stopped because the animals died?
OP, I’ll tell you how the NIH gets away with their evil:
Powers that be want to retain their power so they do whatever the cabal/deep state tells them to do.
There are people in the NIH that want some of that power. The jackasses don’t realize that once their usefulness wanes, the people they work for won’t want them around anymore.
If asked about your “vax status” say you’re in the “official control group - look it up”!! It’s better received than - NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!