664 🍿 🎬 can't wait for the show! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Shipwreck 3 years ago by Shipwreck +665 / -1 92 comments download share 92 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Agreed. My wife already thinks im a Q nutcase. We need some sauce to make our wives camn down IMHO plz let it be the AZ audit
Nothing that happens in AZ will help you if your wife doesn't respect you.
Guess i will need to ask for a second bj of the day to make sure she respects me
Double zing
I’m available if you’re wife won’t provide.
Interesting that you equate blowjobs with being respected. Hope you don't use the same measuring stick of respect with your kids.
Why the fuck would your mind go there fuckstick are you a fucking pedo this is an adult space and you bring up some fucked up shit about bjs and kids im going to smash your fuckjng skill in faggot
Yes that is correct, blowjob = respect.
In with you...