I'm in Norristown, PA. The population in the area is mostly Hispanics and Whites, some Blacks in certain areas. I noticed there is a Planned Parenthood right across from the family clinic in the area that is mostly habitated by minorities, however, nobody goes there. I have never seem any "regular person" walk in there and is always populated by protesters spreading the word.
The most amazing thing is anywhere and I mean ANYWHERE I go from Philly to Allentown I see pregnant women of all races, everywhere (me included) and I have had the luck to speak to some of them and they are not vaxxed or don't want the vaxx, because someone closed to them told them their experience having spontaneous abortions. Most of these moms are on their 2 or 3 child in the last 3 years (you can notice, by how many kids they have with them and the sequence of height). Most woman had kids during the lockdowns and has decided to become stay-at-home mothers.
Families are growing and that scares the elites, because they haven't brainwashed the new generation enough (or at least, they are failing at schools and some colleges). They need time to come up with something new and in the mind time, they cannot afford to have a new generation that will be based and red-pilled. The elites are old and dying, they know it and they know we know it.
Like fixing to deep fry?
I think the word you meant is breeding.
Yes, thanks 🤣🤣🤣
Have some grace for breeding women. They get pregnancy brain giving all their nutrition to the next generation. Show some respect.
All the respect in the world, ma'am.
I thought pregnant brain was a myth until I experienced it myself... it is real.
But the fog is going away as the gay is getting closer. 😅
Bread, like a bun in the oven.
The Black Community isn't taking the vax either.
Most of my friends, people at church, the folks in my neighborhood... are refusing the vax. The Democrats abused our Black community many times in the past, including with medical experiments. We aren't stupid.
I don't know any of our community that are happily lining up for the vax. Most are refusing, or trying to delay as long as possible.
Only the hardcore leftists are. They're the only ones empty headed enough to think it's a good idea because they've refused to learn history outside of a single month a year. Only friend of mine to even bring it up was my black lefty friend who links me qult stuff. Everybody else keeps that shit to themselves and silently judges others or don't actually give a fuck.
Tuskegee experiment
Yup. This is a MAJOR part of how we win the war long term: have lotsa kids, then do your best to teach them to love God and their fellow man.
Well, women s’posed to be breading, or making something hot and good in the kitchen.
Breeding, in the context of a stable family, is also hot and good.
God bless our women… with good men who also like to make bread… and then will stick around for the next fitty years.
Bakin' bread out of crumbs, baby! 😜
Sourdough or rye...Lol....all good though