God (not the government) gave you FREEDOM. You can CHOOSE to work for someone else and live paycheck to paycheck or you can live an independent life style. Self employeed either in business or as a craftsman. You are FREE to choose your own path.
I'm sure after their hours toiling away in the sun just to ensure they had food people were totally able to sit down in their tent and kick their feet up.
And I bet the indigenous people were super laid back! Between scalping their neighbors and sacrificing children to the rain gods, and building giant stone pyramids they just rested.
I bet it was a super leisurely life they led.
If only the evil capitalists didn't take over we would all be able to relax! Hard work didn't exist until capitalism dontcha know?
Try working on something meaningful. Building your own house or working your own land. It's hard work but you will get so much satisfaction from it that it's incomparable to today's jobs. People were meant to work hard for themselves, their family, and possibly God (I am ambivalent about religion), but not for other men who rule over them.
Find something more rewarding. I'm a farmer and I love it. Sometimes I wish I had more time with my girls but you make it work. I see where you're coming from, but without a sense of purpose, there would be a lot more fuckery going on. Our Protestant work ethic is part of what made this country so great.
No, not at all. They, our dear leaders, have designed a system that, from the top to the bottom, was created for only one thing; to separate you from the LORD. Read the first 5 books of the Bible for the life the LORD meant for you to live and the blessings He would bestow on us for it.
There is an answer to this problem, Christ and Christ alone. He will separate you from this world by showing you the Hope of what is to come. This OP makes me believe He is calling you.
No, God did not intend for Jewish central bankers to make us their usury debt slaves, despite what the Jewish Talmud claims.
Q showed us that Jewish central bankers own or control 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post #135 - #138).
During the Cleansing of the Temple, Jesus Christ flew into a violent rage, overturned tables, accused the greedy Jews of being subhuman and used physical violence to attack the Jews and drive them out...
... Imagine how Jesus Christ feels about Jews turning the entire human race into their usury debt slaves and creating nothing but famine, war and misery.
The Jesuit Order? The Elite Families? or are you blaming the every day person who happens to be Jewish who is trying to make daily bread, the same as you are me?
Not really... the problem has been the false jews (Khazars, Venitians...), not the real Jews. The false jews have had a habit of both hiding behind the real Jews, and throwing them under the bus at the same time.
To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
Genesis 3:17-19 NIV
This is partly why I walked away from the job world a dozen years ago. I live off grid in a yurt in the woods, have no vehicle, no health card, no running water, etc., but I'm happier than I was chasing my tail for 25 years. My lack of income means I pay zero income taxes, so I'm not giving them anything. I may crash and burn at some point, but it'll be on my terms.
I hope you can resist the pull toward that awful world.
Respectfully asking, how do you access the internet living off grid? I have dreamed of this life for 25 years & definitely realize my weakness is what prevents me from making such a move. I am deeply in awe of anyone who has cut the cord, something I aspire to do one day.
No, we are made to work, but we are made to contribute to the good around us and to store up for ourselves so we will not be a burden.
7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” 11 We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12 Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. 13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.
Are the politicians and elites that are eating and wasting your taxes following this example? If not, then they are being a burden to you.
God gave us freedom, Certain humans systematically, caged the world's population up with never ending debt to them with promises of (do this for this amount of time(most your life) and you have money at the end of the rope) meanwhile, making it harder and harder to make our daily bread. Does that mean we are not intended to work? No, we all still need to make daily bread and to help out those who are unable to do so... unable as in physically unable.. ATM, the world is extremely out of Balance (Because of the Global Cagers) making it suck for everyone. You still have freedom to chose your path or switch paths mid stride.. some find that life can be much more pleasant for them when they do.
I understand what you are saying and I don't like it either but I will never question the actions or the inactions of our creator especially the question of why God gave Satan dominion over the earth and all of its inhabitants, I don't have time to be fretting over decisions that I couldn't even comprehend the answers of anyway so I keep my thoughts focused on keeping my faith at 100% and steady pray for a humanity that is being ruled over by Satan, was being ruled over God is currently flipping the script on the darkness so yeah this going to be a wrap on their evil BS. 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
Millions / billions have gone before us and we couldn't imagine their suffering. Just as they wouldn't be able to fathom the lies and complexity of our situation.
No he didn't. Toil is part of the curse of man. He intended us to be stewards of the earth. He cast Adam out of the garden and sent him out to toul, and till the earth as part of the curse.
Thank you everyone for your insight, I really do appreciate it and it always makes me feel better seeing humble people reply to my posts. Thank you guys so much. I just hope we can get out of this mess soon. It is a real big mess and I am truly terrified and am currently trying to build a strong relationship with God. All I want is a simple life. My boyfriend even said I can stay home while he works as long as I take care of the house(I do) but I also want to make some type of income to help him with our bills. I just fucking hate the government. They have reaped my boyfriend and family dry through taxes and it makes me sick to my stomach. But really, thank you everyone. I would reply to all 30+ of you individually but you all see this post anyways so no need. I really do appreciate everyone on here. At least we all share the same pain.
God (not the government) gave you FREEDOM. You can CHOOSE to work for someone else and live paycheck to paycheck or you can live an independent life style. Self employeed either in business or as a craftsman. You are FREE to choose your own path.
Yes. Adam and Eve had no 401k or Social Security.
We only work so hard because we want more. No one is happy with what they have.
The truth is, that life style can be rejected, but we choose not to because we like the comforts it brings.
We are wilful participants, and it's party our fault.
Laugh out loud.
As in what I did when I read your statement.
I'm sure after their hours toiling away in the sun just to ensure they had food people were totally able to sit down in their tent and kick their feet up.
And I bet the indigenous people were super laid back! Between scalping their neighbors and sacrificing children to the rain gods, and building giant stone pyramids they just rested.
I bet it was a super leisurely life they led.
If only the evil capitalists didn't take over we would all be able to relax! Hard work didn't exist until capitalism dontcha know?
I didn't think you could get any more idiotic.
I could be wrong but after original sin man was doomed to toil...
Rich Dad Poor Dad is such a good read (or watch for the lazy, because it exists).
"What are we doing here?" "Uhh, playing Monopoly." "What am I doing out there?" "............ O.O Playing Monopoly"
Try working on something meaningful. Building your own house or working your own land. It's hard work but you will get so much satisfaction from it that it's incomparable to today's jobs. People were meant to work hard for themselves, their family, and possibly God (I am ambivalent about religion), but not for other men who rule over them.
Find something more rewarding. I'm a farmer and I love it. Sometimes I wish I had more time with my girls but you make it work. I see where you're coming from, but without a sense of purpose, there would be a lot more fuckery going on. Our Protestant work ethic is part of what made this country so great.
No, not at all. They, our dear leaders, have designed a system that, from the top to the bottom, was created for only one thing; to separate you from the LORD. Read the first 5 books of the Bible for the life the LORD meant for you to live and the blessings He would bestow on us for it.
There is an answer to this problem, Christ and Christ alone. He will separate you from this world by showing you the Hope of what is to come. This OP makes me believe He is calling you.
No, God did not intend for Jewish central bankers to make us their usury debt slaves, despite what the Jewish Talmud claims.
Q showed us that Jewish central bankers own or control 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post #135 - #138).
During the Cleansing of the Temple, Jesus Christ flew into a violent rage, overturned tables, accused the greedy Jews of being subhuman and used physical violence to attack the Jews and drive them out...
... Imagine how Jesus Christ feels about Jews turning the entire human race into their usury debt slaves and creating nothing but famine, war and misery.
The Jesuit Order? The Elite Families? or are you blaming the every day person who happens to be Jewish who is trying to make daily bread, the same as you are me?
Idk. Is what he said true?
Not really... the problem has been the false jews (Khazars, Venitians...), not the real Jews. The false jews have had a habit of both hiding behind the real Jews, and throwing them under the bus at the same time.
Synagogue of Satan is the term you're looking for.
To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:17-19 NIV
⬆️ This.
This is partly why I walked away from the job world a dozen years ago. I live off grid in a yurt in the woods, have no vehicle, no health card, no running water, etc., but I'm happier than I was chasing my tail for 25 years. My lack of income means I pay zero income taxes, so I'm not giving them anything. I may crash and burn at some point, but it'll be on my terms.
I hope you can resist the pull toward that awful world.
Respectfully asking, how do you access the internet living off grid? I have dreamed of this life for 25 years & definitely realize my weakness is what prevents me from making such a move. I am deeply in awe of anyone who has cut the cord, something I aspire to do one day.
Stop that! You are ordered to consume consume consume, how dare you live a simple life and be happy!
I would love to pick your brain.
Wow. I haven't heard that for a while. Or ever?
No, we are made to work, but we are made to contribute to the good around us and to store up for ourselves so we will not be a burden.
Are the politicians and elites that are eating and wasting your taxes following this example? If not, then they are being a burden to you.
Gen 3: 17-19.
Nah man God says those who dont work dont eat... he did say his burdens are light as well what u been readin
No, God’s plan was the garden of Eden. We chose rebellion. Thank God there is a way back in Christ
God gave us freedom, Certain humans systematically, caged the world's population up with never ending debt to them with promises of (do this for this amount of time(most your life) and you have money at the end of the rope) meanwhile, making it harder and harder to make our daily bread. Does that mean we are not intended to work? No, we all still need to make daily bread and to help out those who are unable to do so... unable as in physically unable.. ATM, the world is extremely out of Balance (Because of the Global Cagers) making it suck for everyone. You still have freedom to chose your path or switch paths mid stride.. some find that life can be much more pleasant for them when they do.
If you want look that way it’s your choice. I suggest you read some Robert Kiwosaki to change your mindset
I understand what you are saying and I don't like it either but I will never question the actions or the inactions of our creator especially the question of why God gave Satan dominion over the earth and all of its inhabitants, I don't have time to be fretting over decisions that I couldn't even comprehend the answers of anyway so I keep my thoughts focused on keeping my faith at 100% and steady pray for a humanity that is being ruled over by Satan, was being ruled over God is currently flipping the script on the darkness so yeah this going to be a wrap on their evil BS. 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
Millions / billions have gone before us and we couldn't imagine their suffering. Just as they wouldn't be able to fathom the lies and complexity of our situation.
No he didn't. Toil is part of the curse of man. He intended us to be stewards of the earth. He cast Adam out of the garden and sent him out to toul, and till the earth as part of the curse.
Thank you everyone for your insight, I really do appreciate it and it always makes me feel better seeing humble people reply to my posts. Thank you guys so much. I just hope we can get out of this mess soon. It is a real big mess and I am truly terrified and am currently trying to build a strong relationship with God. All I want is a simple life. My boyfriend even said I can stay home while he works as long as I take care of the house(I do) but I also want to make some type of income to help him with our bills. I just fucking hate the government. They have reaped my boyfriend and family dry through taxes and it makes me sick to my stomach. But really, thank you everyone. I would reply to all 30+ of you individually but you all see this post anyways so no need. I really do appreciate everyone on here. At least we all share the same pain.
"The lust for money is the root of all evil."
Can't blame God for everything being expensive.
Start a church, help your community and avoid taxes… there ya go
For every generation of humanity except the Boomers? Yes.