The US dollar will be destroyed. Both the Patriots and the Deep State need this to happen. It is without a doubt part of both of their plans that being said here are some things to keep in mind.
Prepare as much as you can now. Food, water, energy, medical supplies etc. have multiple avenues to provide for all of these.
Decide whether you’re gonna bug in or bug out if you haven’t already.
Keep a low profile. Don’t let anyone you don’t trust with your life know how much supplies, precious metals, GME or crypto currency you have. You don’t want fair weather friends and family to come for you. When people are desperate people will turn on you. You also don’t want unprepared people coming for you.
If you haven’t already brainstorm and list who you trust and who you want in your group. Start preparing with like minded family, friends and neighbors. People who are in shape and/or have useful skills preferred. Lazy and unskilled people are a waste of resources.
Avoid major highways as much as you can. Stay out of the cities if you can.
Get mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for what is coming. Be right with your body, your emotions and God. In a real crisis you maybe forced into defending yourself, turning people away etc.
If I missed something important add it in the comments. I think the next couple of months will be chaotic. We need as many frens to survive as possible. Don’t get caught in the chaos.
I would add guns and ammo to the supplies list.
Oh of course. I kinda assumed most people on here had them already lol.
Probably a good idea to add a bow as well.
Don't forget a machete or two just in case. Some axes, a few shovels and if needed, my son is a construction worker and he said a "nail gun" is as effecient a weapon as any. You can find any tools available for that "just in case I ran out of ammo moment."
I like cans of wasp spray and a $1.00 bic lighter. 😊.
Wasp spray gels can spray a stream up to 30 feet or more, and it's flammable gel.
It also STICKS TO THE TARGET while continuing to burn. it's a $3.00 Instant flame thrower. It also is a great way of saying "Never bring your car by my house again". You can buy cases of them for $2.00 per can.
Try one before SHTF. It's so effective you will probably buy a few cases.
Thanks very much. That is an excellent idea. I hadn't thought about it. I will be telling my husband so that he can pick up a few cans. I don't suppose it can be the cheapest can you can find. I assume as long as it's a wasp gel I'll be good to go. Thanks again for the suggestion. I am DEFINITELY going to get some and try it. God bless for this hint and have a great weekend.
YouTube video. Look them up. There are quite a few.
Cheap brands actually works well.
Great. I've got to go shopping today anyway. I guess I'd better get a move on. Thanks again.
What are some alternatives for people who can't own a gun?
If things get really bad... I mean MAD MAX bad, or close to it, you should have some sheets of plywood that you can put over windows. Additionally, if you have the ability to put some rows of rebar behind it, even better. Right now, unfortunately, plywood costs an arm and two legs.
At least 6 Tiki torches and several gallons of fuel. I keep at least 5 gallons on hand always, but will get more if needed.
After Hurricane Rita, when the power went out for weeks (no street lights, no house lights, no alarm systems) it got REALLY dark at night in the neighborhood. A homeowner can't see 20 feet into their own front yard, let alone who may be in the street, or crossing the back yard.
Tiki torches will burn all night with a little fuel. Put 2 in front yard, 2 in back yard. They put out enough light that you can see your own yard and part of the street. It also lets criminals know three things.
There are people in that house. It's not unoccupied or an easy target.
The people might be at their darkened Windows of the house watching. They could also be armed and ready to shoot anyone walking into the yard.
If I walk within 50 feet of a tiki torch, they will see me, but I can't see them.
No criminal wants to take that stupid chance. Our house was safe and unbothered.
Also, this is a great time to adopt a shelter pet and get it used to your property and neighborhood. Large black dogs, pit bulls (or big dogs in general) have a hard time being adopted. This is a wonderful time to welcome one into your home.
This is a good one I didn’t think of.
Also, if you don't trust GME or metals (you probably thing world will really implode), invest on hard assets. Buy things on cash. If you already have enough emergency supplies to last you at least 4-6 months in complete isolation and still have money left, go find pass times, such asfiction/non-fiction books, tabletop games, offline/old video games and downloaded documentaries,movies and long videos on your favourite subjects on YouTube (though be careful on those, as the power grids might be affected). Never underestimate the damage cabin fever can do to you, moreover on a society so reliant on digital connection such as ours. Do your best to remain alert, and most importantly keep yourself busy.
I tell my wife my 30 board games are for the apocalypse. She doesn't buy it though
spend time with God and ask for wisdom and courage, not to mention patience, gentleness, goodness, love, joy peace and self-control. God answers prayers for virtue.
horse paste? I'm convinced iver can cure tons of stuff. Last resort, better than nothing?
Adding to this. If you have children, prepare a homeschooling syllabus and get the necessary supplies. Another thing is to start backing up anything and everything to a non networked computer. As many ebooks and scholarly articles as possible. Photos/videos/movies/music. Stop throwing away old clothes as they may be needed again or someone else will. Know where you can find some reserve gas if shit hits the fan.
GME is the only real play.
AMC is a distraction.
Do as you please though.
Battery cells - preferably rechargeable with a solar charger - and LED flashlights.