How do you know he isn't a white hat asset that was placed after they exposed gay black candidate. This is chess...strategy and piece movement are everything. White hats don't play sloppy like normies do.
Moves and counter moves.
He isnt pushing the election audit because he isnt supposed to.
You may not see it...but this is a plan yes moves n countermoves...but it's all a done deal.
You're watching a movie for normies.
Dont get caught up in it . It's made for those who arent Anons ,who arent aware.
It's going to go off the way the its planned.
Not the way you think it should.
Watch the movie.
I perceive the "you're watching a movie" as to the last moves left to play out in a chess game. The collateral damage will occur no matter what, but so will the checkmate.
Its crap.
Muckraking skills at their finest.
What was it Trump said Desantis said yes to back in January maybe. That's all was said. And have you noticed right after the faux election there was a speech desantis gave that had to be a deep fake. Cause the verbiage and hand gestures were 100% Trump. I always noted the way he holds his hands and gestures because my late Aunt hated him. And I made her mad cause I pointed out she makes the same hand movements and gestures as Trump does when he speaks. It's an subconscious thing people do . But living w a bunch of hair trigger emotional black holes as I did you learn out of survival mode to note peoples speech gestures tone.....desantis is white hat. Period. Anyone saying different is just trying to defame and muddy the waters.
Wow this is too rich. Posts about someone’s last name having the letters D and S capitalized means they’re part of the deepstate and then literally cries and tries to attack others when people call him out for being an idiot.
“Why do people even bother with this site anymore?”
You sound like an child that’s just fucking angry that no one is patting you on the head for your absurd claims. Grow up and learn how to interact with adults.
Good catch. Sometimes I just get confused as to who is a good actor and who is a bad actor. Crenshaw, Cawthorne and Gates voted no on red flag laws for Veterans (I hope that is right). I can see Crenshaw but I am surprised about Cawthorne and Gates. I thought Cawthorne was endorsed by Trump.
Insinuating is very shakey ground. You cant say someone inferred this so it must be fact. Lyn is a lawyer...think like one .. go by facts only. The facts dont jive w the post. Its stretching and bending things to fit a predisposed train of thought. Very un Anon.
Anyhow it's all a waste to speculate on w o some REAL SAUCE.
But there us none.
You're watching a movie play out for normies..not for us...for them.
6 hours later, OP still can’t explain themself. I have to say, the argumemt of DeSantis being deep state because of his capitalized letters in his last name is just. Just. Mwah. Chef kiss.
The anti-DeSantis shills are so transparent and stupid, it’s fun to watch.
There are no honest politicians. Time and time again people think that the next one, or the next one, the Rand Paul or the DeSantis is a good one. No, it’s a trick! They are politicians! They may not all be completely evil, but none of them are fully on the side of good. They will all bend the knee to evil, or they already have.
This is more than a stretch and makes a number of flawed conclusions.
Who's to say DeSantis won't sign on for an audit in Florida at some point in the future?
DeSantis' policies in Florida are an example for the entire Nation. Shifting from that narrative right now, would not be wise.
Although, it is always important to keep an eye on EVERYONE in Political Office.
How do you know he isn't a white hat asset that was placed after they exposed gay black candidate. This is chess...strategy and piece movement are everything. White hats don't play sloppy like normies do. Moves and counter moves. He isnt pushing the election audit because he isnt supposed to.
You may not see it...but this is a plan yes moves n countermoves...but it's all a done deal. You're watching a movie for normies. Dont get caught up in it . It's made for those who arent Anons ,who arent aware. It's going to go off the way the its planned. Not the way you think it should. Watch the movie.
“The whole ‘it’s a just a show!’ is like... bro... not anymore.”
Wow very convincing. You do this for a job?
Those are my thoughts exactly whenever anyone tries to say what Q REALLY meant without any basis or reasoning whatsoever.
I perceive the "you're watching a movie" as to the last moves left to play out in a chess game. The collateral damage will occur no matter what, but so will the checkmate.
I think someone a while back said something similar about DeSantis. If Trump got them all, what is the logic behind DeSantis being DS?
Its crap. Muckraking skills at their finest. What was it Trump said Desantis said yes to back in January maybe. That's all was said. And have you noticed right after the faux election there was a speech desantis gave that had to be a deep fake. Cause the verbiage and hand gestures were 100% Trump. I always noted the way he holds his hands and gestures because my late Aunt hated him. And I made her mad cause I pointed out she makes the same hand movements and gestures as Trump does when he speaks. It's an subconscious thing people do . But living w a bunch of hair trigger emotional black holes as I did you learn out of survival mode to note peoples speech gestures tone.....desantis is white hat. Period. Anyone saying different is just trying to defame and muddy the waters.
Why won't he change FLs law that they can forcibly inject whoever they see fit? Lyn has called this out for months.
That’s more on the FL Congress than DeSantis
Wow this is too rich. Posts about someone’s last name having the letters D and S capitalized means they’re part of the deepstate and then literally cries and tries to attack others when people call him out for being an idiot.
“Why do people even bother with this site anymore?”
You sound like an child that’s just fucking angry that no one is patting you on the head for your absurd claims. Grow up and learn how to interact with adults.
Good catch. Sometimes I just get confused as to who is a good actor and who is a bad actor. Crenshaw, Cawthorne and Gates voted no on red flag laws for Veterans (I hope that is right). I can see Crenshaw but I am surprised about Cawthorne and Gates. I thought Cawthorne was endorsed by Trump.
Nope, we have to be wise about who we elect, that is for sure.
“Trump can’t say no”
I completely disagree. Whomever Trump picked as his VP I’d support, I like DeSantis but it doesn’t come close to how much I LOVE Trump
Lin Wood has been insuating it for months. That's why I am nervous about Kari Lake.
Insinuating is very shakey ground. You cant say someone inferred this so it must be fact. Lyn is a lawyer...think like one .. go by facts only. The facts dont jive w the post. Its stretching and bending things to fit a predisposed train of thought. Very un Anon. Anyhow it's all a waste to speculate on w o some REAL SAUCE. THIS POST IS DRY AND NEEDS ACTUAL FACTUAL SAUCE. But there us none. Distractionary. You're watching a movie play out for normies..not for us...for them.
um no
Very nice job OP. You almost had me. But you made one grave mistake - I didn't hear this from you first.
You're so confused - the hooker thing happened months after DeSantis became Governor ! Stop making up crap !!!!!
Not like Trump to take a loser as VP
no man lol
There's something about DeSantis that feels oily/too slick to me, as if what he does isn't genuine and is mostly for show.
Care to share your game theory analysis? Who are the players, what are the possible game actions, what are the payoffs? What is the Nash equilibrium?
6 hours later, OP still can’t explain themself. I have to say, the argumemt of DeSantis being deep state because of his capitalized letters in his last name is just. Just. Mwah. Chef kiss.
The anti-DeSantis shills are so transparent and stupid, it’s fun to watch.
There are no honest politicians. Time and time again people think that the next one, or the next one, the Rand Paul or the DeSantis is a good one. No, it’s a trick! They are politicians! They may not all be completely evil, but none of them are fully on the side of good. They will all bend the knee to evil, or they already have.
OP’s butthurt that he got called out for thinking someone’s last name having a capital D and S in it makes you deepstate. What a faggot.
Exactly. It doesn't matter so why not audit. In 2018 he could have been selected and not elected.