we think it's good things happening but it's probably designed that way and another swamp creature just takes it over. In many cases, may be even worse.
SPARK is a new virtual conference presented by Illumina, devoted to paving the way for genomic healthcare.
Meet the Change-Makers
SPARK is your can’t-miss opportunity to experience the biggest industry leaders and innovators — appearing together, for the first time, to map the future of genomic healthcare.
Chris is the brother of the corrupt mayor of Racine, Wisconsin - the model community for elections, COVID, education, smart cities, community policing and Agenda 2030 through the great deception of Sustainability (Sustainable Racine).
The real purpose of the China Medical Board was not health and wellness. It was to use science to eliminate the rise of Christianity in China and control the population.
Conflict of interest? Fauci’s wife runs bioethics department at NIH
As Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH, Fauci’s wife, Dr. Christine Grady, is responsible for guiding the ‘ethics’ of the government organization’s work. She is also Head of the Section on Human Subjects Research. Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is a division of the NIH. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/conflict-of-interest-faucis-wife-runs-bioethics-department-at-nih/
Dominoes keep falling…
And I wonder who will take his place....
Fauci daughter already works in software at Twitter . . .
Ya who takes the places of all these step downs we have seen?
we think it's good things happening but it's probably designed that way and another swamp creature just takes it over. In many cases, may be even worse.
The Cuomo-Hochul commie swap.
trannies, bigot! You asked "who", and not "what")
Look who is at this event:
Chris is the brother of the corrupt mayor of Racine, Wisconsin - the model community for elections, COVID, education, smart cities, community policing and Agenda 2030 through the great deception of Sustainability (Sustainable Racine).
Expose the Root.
DNA alteration.
Destroying Gods creation... nice.... sounds like something satan himself would do.
That is indeed their goal.
The real purpose of the China Medical Board was not health and wellness. It was to use science to eliminate the rise of Christianity in China and control the population.
Francis Collins and The Language of God https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Language_of_God
The code, the text and the language of God https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1298980/
God's undertaker : has science buried God? https://archive.org/details/godsundertaker00john/page/176/mode/2up
Building God – Quantum Computers and the Eschaton https://poweroftheunknown.wordpress.com/2011/05/20/building-god-quantum-computers-and-the-eschaton/
Another ancient bureaucrat setting health policy.
Stepping down because the DS think he's too milquetoast or is 'some' other reason? Only time will tell. I don't expect to see a better candidate.
Take Fauci’s wife with you! 🤬
Hmm, awesome. Now for public arrest, trial admission ans punishment of Fauci
Conflict of interest? Fauci’s wife runs bioethics department at NIH As Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH, Fauci’s wife, Dr. Christine Grady, is responsible for guiding the ‘ethics’ of the government organization’s work. She is also Head of the Section on Human Subjects Research. Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is a division of the NIH. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/conflict-of-interest-faucis-wife-runs-bioethics-department-at-nih/
To go get big bucks at Pfizer for contacts & legislative access. To work on 85th booster no doubt.