The irony of you joking about putting Jews in ovens in a thread about vaccines, where Jews suffer more than any other group from forced mandates, I'm sure is lost on you.
The mods have warned me to cease sharing historical research, so I am forced to agree with you that the most exiled people in human history are history's most innocent darlings and most innocent victims and the six million Jews that were turned into bars of soap and lampshades and nipple-wallets and skeets and windmills and who had their heads shrunken and were gassed and burned... is something, something, something.
the people who want to hold the unjabbed down and forcibly jab them, to take away their rights, and who say they deserve to die on a vent, those are the same people who would start up the ovens for the "final solution" to rid the nation of the dirty disease ridden Jews in Nazi Germany, and who will do it again for the "final solution" of the dirty, disease ridden unvaxxed.
Ha ha ha yes, some problems can be solved by popping them in the oven.
Top kek
The irony of you joking about putting Jews in ovens in a thread about vaccines, where Jews suffer more than any other group from forced mandates, I'm sure is lost on you.
The mods have warned me to cease sharing historical research, so I am forced to agree with you that the most exiled people in human history are history's most innocent darlings and most innocent victims and the six million Jews that were turned into bars of soap and lampshades and nipple-wallets and skeets and windmills and who had their heads shrunken and were gassed and burned... is something, something, something.
If you believe the Jews control everything, why are they killing themselves with mandated vaxxes at the highest rate in the world?
Your cognitive dissonance must be YUGE.
the people who want to hold the unjabbed down and forcibly jab them, to take away their rights, and who say they deserve to die on a vent, those are the same people who would start up the ovens for the "final solution" to rid the nation of the dirty disease ridden Jews in Nazi Germany, and who will do it again for the "final solution" of the dirty, disease ridden unvaxxed.
Is that Geotus Khan?
...the sphinx would still have a nose....
Guessing this is Vlad Pepes the Impaler?
How appropriate, considering the death shot's main side effects are vascular....
The entirety of Twitch got hacked.
Should've got vaxxed.
Hahahaha, we say that people wouldn't have anything to complain about if they had the vaccine :P
This needs to be said with a Gollum voice (From the LOTR movies).