480 So kids...what did we learn during this lockdown....??? (media.greatawakening.win) 😷 DEM PANIC 💉 posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +480 / -0 35 comments download share 35 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Love it! Homeschool your children and keep them out of the hands of the lunatics "teaching" them.
truest damn meme. lol.
Fuck Joe Biden 👏👏👏👏👏
“Let’s go Brandon!”
purkiss- you made my day! Religious exemtion accepted y'all. I Start online teaching in two weeks! Glory
Top KEK Purkiss80...
My butts been wiped!
TERRORIST one and all!!!! Damn smart ones at that!
Our government are the REAL terrorists!!
And " fuck Joe biden *
Best meme yet!
♪ Da
Da DA-da da
Da DA-da da
I've got it bad, I've got it bad, I've got it baaaaddd... ♫
Hey ya'll, don't be rude. If you believe in AMERICA then comply with the LAW S.2781 and call it an obama-style intellectual disability.
So...what is the actual evidence about Michelle? That one has always made me wonder.
Watch big Mike dance on Ellen White pants his junk flopping all over
Got a link?
I just searched Michelle Obama dances on Ellen comes right up
Joan Rivers said Michelle was a tranny and everyone knows it. Then she died from a lack of oxygen to her brain.
OK well an opinion of a movie star is not actual evidence.
Ever seen the videos of obama saying "Michael" or "Michale and I"?
Her dick, for starters
So you've seen said dick personally? Or can you link it here so we can see it?
Dude look it up if you care so much. Seriously takes 5 seconds to find the videos they are referring to.
That's just it. I have looked it up but did not find anything that was 'obvious' to me.
Here ya go QKek https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=michelle+obama+dancing+with+ellen+and+you+can+see+her+junk&view=detail&mid=FC53374762DE3AE8AB84FC53374762DE3AE8AB84&FORM=VIRE
Yeah I have seen that. Kind of iffy 'proof' if you ask me. If this is all there is, I think Imma pass on this particular theory.
This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpacOMEyfhk