I always suspected there was something more to his arrest and conviction now it fucking makes sense. The drug that he was dealing with is used to treat parasites. How much you want to bet it has something to do with this covid 19 vaccine. Even the virus it used to treat is one that some are saying is in the fucking vaccine.
Pyrimethamine Brand name: Daraprim Anti-parasite It can treat toxoplasmosis. It can also prevent malaria and other kinds of infections.
What is Daraprim for? Daraprim treats toxoplasmosis, a disease that results from being infected by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. It can also help treat acute malaria when taken with other medications. An infection typically happens when a person eats contaminated or undercooked meat, or drinks water contaminated with the parasite.
The CDC estimates that 40 million people in the United States may be infected with the parasite but don’t have symptoms because in healthy people, the immune system keeps the parasite from causing illness. Symptoms of toxoplasmosis, which can include muscle pain, fever, and headaches, are more likely to appear in pregnant women or people with weakened immune systems. Even then, most cases are mild and go away on their own.
Just because 2 antiparasitic drugs work doesn't mean all do.
Looks like protease inhibitors are what work.
Is this drug you're referencing one that works via the same mechanism or are you just equating all antiparasitics?
Think logically. For the love of all that is holy, please think
Make that 3...you forgot fenbendazole. Cures many cancers. Funny how this class of medicine has long lists of cures? Funny how, humans in America are never given anti-parasitics but all our pets & farm animals are? Funny...
President Trump did say the cure for cancer would be reveled. He also spoke about MMS and hydroxychlorquine. Hummmmmm
I noticed a few years ago that OTC Pripsen - used to treat threadworms - was withdrawn from sale. We used it once cos my kid picked them up playing in dirt at kindergarten. After that I always tried to keep some in the cupboard just in case. It just suddenly disappeared. Can’t get it anymore.
Sounds like it had unknown (to us) good medicinal qualities? Maybe?
The real danger is OD'ing on pizza and ice cream 😁
It gets worse... https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf
One of the best docs we've all shared here 👍🏼
You're right the mechanism of action is completely different.
Chloroquine and pyrimethamine inhibit the replication of human respiratory syncytial virus A No Access Fryad Rahman1,2ORCID icon, Camille Libre3, Andrew Oleinikov4, Sergey Tcherniuk5,6 View Affiliations Published: 03 August 2021 Info list Sections vpn_key Get Access build share Human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is a major cause of respiratory illness in young children and can cause severe infections in the elderly or in immunocompromised adults. To date, there is no vaccine to prevent hRSV infections, and disease management is limited to preventive care by palivizumab in infants and supportive care for adults. Intervention with small-molecule antivirals specific for hRSV represents a good alternative, but no such compounds are currently approved. The investigation of existing drugs for new therapeutic purposes (drug repositioning) can be a faster approach to address this issue. In this study, we show that chloroquine and pyrimethamine inhibit the replication of human respiratory syncytial virus A (long strain) and synergistically increase the anti-replicative effect of ribavirin in cellulo. Moreover, chloroquine, but not pyrimethamine, inhibits hRSV replication in the mouse model. Our results show that chloroquine can potentially be an interesting compound for treatment of hRSV infection in monotherapy or in combination with other antivirals.
Received: 25/01/2021 Accepted: 14/06/2021 Published Online: 03/08/2021
Action Of Pyrimethamine In Virus Infections
Kulshrestha, K.N.
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 18: 539-541
Pyrimetha-mlne was used in cases of influenza, measles and mumps in the belief that its action as a folic-acid antagonist will reduce the virulence of these virus infections. Clinical results are encouraging. The single case of severe glossitis and stomatitis that appeared suddenly during treatment with pyrimethamine and lasted for 9 days after the treatment was discontinued may or may not have resulted from the treatment and consequent reduction of available folic-acid. As a rule the dosage should not exceed 75 mg/day and often 50 mg will suffice. Treatment should not exceed more than 3-4 days. Pyrimethamine may prevent the development of paralysis in cases of polio infection. Dosage required for children for this purpose will be 1/2 tablet of 25 mg 3 times a day for 3 days. Its use in the control of dangerous types of virus encephalitis by reducing the virulence of the infection at a stage before the cases could be definitely diagnosed is possible.
Wow, the polio paralysis reduction is really interesting. Thanks for sharing these studies!