Good morning, Sunday morning
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I agree. We got married in our early twenties and we ended up in student housing since my hubby was still in graduate school. After he finished and got his first job we bought our first home when we were in our mid twenties with a bit of help for the downpayment from both sets of parents. We borrowed 1k from each set of parents and paid them both off at the end of a year.
When we moved in we had maxed out our credit card to buy some furniture and a washing machine. We waited to buy a dryer since we couldn't afford to buy both. I hung out all our clothes to dry instead.
An elderly couple up the street noticed I was hanging out laundry and they bought a new washer and dryer set because their washing machine died. They offered us their old dryer. Their dryer was already old and we ended up keeping it for 11 more years. Nobody makes appliances like they used to, for sure.
Please take me to your dimension.
Back in the late 90's, the second Chief Petty Officer I served under gave me his old washer and dryer set when my exwife and I moved into our first house. We couldn't afford a set when we moved in, so we "pinched pennies" to use the base laundromat. He saw me there one day, and the next morning at work, he said "Deuce, come with me." We walked out side to his truck and we went to the house to hook it all up.
One thing I can say is, they don't make "bosses" like that anymore. Nor do they make appliances like that anymore. We had that set for another decade, and they were already a decade old when we go them. They were a helluva lot easier to work on back then, too.
Observation from the outside by a retired SCPO that put on fouled anchors in 1984: They dont make CPOs like that anymore either.
Sister just replaced the water heater in her house.....after 40 years!
...and do you know how much they cost to replace today???? $2k+
I thought getting 25 out of my Rheem water heater was cool. No longer!
Or neighbors, either....nice post.
Our story is similar. We got married in our early twenties too, rented an apartment for 8 months and moved into a newly built home. Granted, it was under 1400 square feet, but it was ours! We worked as many hours as we could while saving every penny to put that down payment on the house! Last month we had to purchase a dryer. We ended up getting a washer/dryer since it would be 20 years in December when we purchased them. (After we moved into a bigger home and newborn triplets).!
Our story is similar as well. Married when we were 19 and 20. Bought our first house at age 24 and 25. We bought it on contract and a $2000 down payment from my folks. The seller knew we were pinching pennies at the time and self employed. When people decided to stiff us and not pay us, our seller would tell us to tack that payment on the back of the contract. They don't make sellers like that any more.
LOL... our first home was 1225 sqft. We didn't have enough furniture to fill it when we moved from our small apt. Mainly had hand me down furniture from both sides of the family.
Same here! We had two twin mattresses on the floor, with sheets on top to use as a "couch". LOL We bought a table and chair set ($144) back in 1984 and we STILL have it! Solid wood, nothing fancy, it has a leaf. We have hubby's turntable combo with an 8trac player in it! Bob Seger is the 8 trac tape we have. Don't know what he did with the rest of them. Now, people think they must have all the upgrades to a home immediately, and furnish every room with top of the line furniture etc. Crazy if you ask me. I would rather get quality used furniture built to last a few lifetimes that get my home filled. We have painted, put down tile, put in a fireplace, etc. We are getting ready to replace the flooring in our home. We will put down tile. When we say this, people think we are hiring people to do it, they are always shocked to hear we are doing it ourselves. LOL We are not afraid of work. Now, if there is electrical that needs to be done, we would hire someone that is licensed and bonded to do the work. To me, many think it is beneath them to do physical labor of any kind.