So, I'll be becoming a Marine soon. All of these mandates started just recently when my plan was already set in stone. Decided not to go to college BECAUSE I've wanted to take this route for such a long time.
Anyone able to give me any work arounds here?
Thank you so much for wanting to serve, even in these times. That said, please don't take the jab just to go in - maybe start taking some community college courses and go in later as an officer.
I wish you the best, you are the future of our country! ❤️
The rejecting COVID-19 vaxx requirement is your legal path to void the contract. Your very life is at stake here. If you somehow survive your ability to have a family is at stake. I wouldn't otherwise ever suggest this. Void the contract and live.
Congrats on that. when do u leave. East or west. I joined the marines in April 2008. Boot camp is an experience u will never forget
Roughly a week from today, man. Parris Island.
Oh I see. I was west coast marine. East has sandflees which are worst part. West has giant mountains which sucked. They arent making u get it before u go to Meps
Every ones work around should be the same say no. If they get rid of you dont worry that will be fixed when all the shit goes down.
You a vet? Just curious. Your view and response sound simple enough, but it doesn’t sound like you’ve experienced what it’s like after they’ve got you under contract. I have. Yeah, you might get a “choice” with plenty of things, vax not withstanding. But your choices can close a lot of doors real quick.
Don’t get on the plane
Back out now to preserve your health. No point in becoming a Marine with myocarditis, strokes, neurological damage, or any of the other horrors the vax is inflicting on so many other healthy young people. And then there are the as-yet unknown long-term effects, which probably won't be any better.
Go back to the recruitment office after Trump returns. I can't believe your sane and principled refusal to join during this dark time would be held against you if Trump is actually involved; it should count strongly in your favor. Yes it's a risk; even with Trump back in the WH it's possible they won't take you for some reason. But at least you'll not have the vax in your system. That shit is being used to destroy America's military and you know it. Don't become one of the victims; we'll need you strong later.
Whatever your decision, best wishes to you.
Push your ship date if you’re really worried about it. No shame in that. It’s going to be tough once you are in that environment to make a big decision like that. You’ll have a lot thrown at you and who knows how or when they could hit you with a “its covid shot time”. It could be weeks in and you’ll be worn out with your mind spinning. Not saying you won’t be able to think and stick to your resolve but it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Especially if you are the only one not willing to get it. They could really put you in a tough spot in front of the platoon and put your individual choice to the test. It’s all about breaking individualism in boot camp. So I encourage you to wait a little bit, get a plan B and not worry if your recruiter gets all pissy. The attitude you get is what you should expect when you become a Marine. I loved my time serving but you are a number and an investment for the government and you will be treated that way sometimes. I imagine this covid thing is one of them.
Get out. This is the worst time to be going in right now. Go to trade school. Even if you have to use tuition assistance a solid trade like welding will have that shit paid off in less than a year and you'll be rolling in six figures much sooner than if you sell your soul to Satan.
Really there are no workarounds. Army jab refusers being punished already, including being quarantined and being told no leave, ever.
I appreciate your willingness to serve but strongly encourage waiting a few years and meanwhile either working or getting 2-year degree, or both.