When they were ordered to shut peoples lives down, they didn't object.
They didn't have a problem escorting the little faggot city health workers to every patriot's establishment that resisted.
When they were asked to arrest and fine people for refusing masks, they were "just doing their jobs".
Shut down churches and arrest their leaders? "Just doing my job".
The working man has been raped 24 hours a day for nearly 2 years straight now and they were no where in sight with their objections.
Now they are pissed cause they are tasting the cold medicine everyone else got? Fuck them and their objections.
Especially the ones in the large lib cities. Faggots had no problems shutting down anti lock down protests and brutally beating conservative protesters who never once burned a building down or robbed and killed people.
They had no problems kneeling to communists and simultaneously had no objections arresting patriots who defending their homes and livelihood with their God given Constitutional Rights.
I feel nothing for them.
There were many cops that did not follow their orders so fuck off. We need both police and Military on our side or we are fucked.
I can't disagree with you. However, stating the military is the only way and the military being on our side are two different things. The evidence to date does not reflect that they are on our side. Especially considering that the military is being turned into a woke, faggot loving org that is filtering patriots with these tyrannical mandates.
Show me something outside of the noise. I see a lot of these "you're being distracted" posts that finish with "there are things happening in the shadows".
I see the military being filtered so that the faggot order takers remain. I see top brass that are straight up traitors remaining on duty. I see the mandates affecting them. Even as far as special ops.
Go ahead. Show me outside the noise.
I don't think Biden is in charge. I also don't believe Trump is in charge either. Where did Q ever even allude to that? That's some shit made up on Twitter and other forums.
The DS is still very much in control even if you don't wanna see that. Until a faggot in a suit cannot take away your livelihood if you don't get the clot shot, I'll believe what I can see and not what some subjective decode says.
Country being infiltrated by millions of unknowns while John Q America is injected by poison is not exactly my idea of winning lol. Now don't get me wrong, there is definitely a war going on we aren't seeing. But until the wins are to the point where it's obvious and not a decode, I'll reserve my judgment.
As far as cops and military go, I'll give you the benefit of the doobt that they are on our side but cops? No chance.
Police in my area to not enforce any lock down or mask mandates.
Mine doesn't enforce either
Blue city issues
I am aware that some small towns did not. The police unions I am referring to are the big city ones. The places where they did enforce tyranny. I don't care for their complaints being the ones who enforced it in the first place.
The police in and around my city have been very reasonable regarding enforcement of this bullshit. The mayors, school boards and county commissioners..... not so much
I live in a major Us city of 3 million.
I’m sure you’re not wrong that there were some areas of tyranny. But definitely not widespread.
And you need to ask yourself why. Why would anyone who is expected to follow a direct order follow it? What would their consequences be for not following those orders, even if morally and ethically they disagreed? When you talk of these cities, many would have lost their jobs, been denied unemployment and wouldn't qualify for any assistance. After reading many people on this page who are scared to lose their job - because it is the only one for their household. It takes courage to wake up. We all wake up in our own time, based on the support, love and beliefs. I am NOT going to judge an entire profession and make these kind of statements. What I will say is that HALLELUJAH, they have finally realized what their line in the sand is and taking that stand. We should be welcoming them and opening our arms to those who are having to make these choices now. For myself, I am blessed to do what I do BUT I am aware that my agency will have to comply with this mandate if it becomes law through OSHA. I have already taken my stand and said I won't be taking this jab nor will I be submitting to weekly testing as it is discriminatory.
People are losing their jobs left and right in every industry. It's called integrity. Something the police forces weed out. People make every excuse for them but in reality they are the ones who enforce the tyranny by the tyrannical. And when shit hits the fan I would safely bet they won't be helping you or I and I'll double down that you wouldn't dare call them.
I have tonsay the police need to give a big apology or take their shots. Tjey enabled this to go this far when they stood down during riots and played the mask games.
I'm glad they're finally awake but they don't get their respect restored quite yet.
I say this k owing many quietly resisted and a few openly. Simply not enough rebelled soon enough. Also, I am retired LE MD it gave me fits watching cops enforce those stupid criminal mandates and bowing down to blm.
This post angers me, king-Jung dung, ur some type of douche bag for real, first off there is good and evil in everything, for you to call cops faggots that’s some queer shit right there, there’s a lot of police officers that did not comply with the mask mandates and all the other bullshit that came along with the “PLANdemic”!!! Cops arent the law, they just enforce it, my husband is a vet and damn fuckin good police officer, u should go eat a nice big bowl of donkey dick!!! Ass 🤡 It’s people like you that call cops pigs and faggets but your type is the first to call the cops for stupid shit!! Ur a pussy!!!
The entire worlds police forces are smashing their people into oblivion based on "doing my job" and for whatever reason, people here think our police are going to be different. Anyone who stands for anything is already out or on the way out. This is how the system works.
"Cops aren't the law. They just enforce it". Same shit was said of every other tyrant regime that's ever existed. Just do as you're told is part of the reason why this bullshit exists.
I called the cops once during a burglary attempt about 15 years ago. 3 men in their 20's and thank God, me, my brother, his best friend and my youngest brother were all at my parents home when it happened.
The neighbors called the cops and when they came, the faggot cop was trying to investigate why one of the burglars was in such rough shape. I've never needed or wanted a cop for anything.
And I sure as hell ain't calling a cop these days. Faggot.
This can go both ways. I know most Sheriff Departments with their own elected Sheriffs, did not follow any mandates, or force anyone to do anything they didn’t want against law. But yes, other city and Federal law enforcement, especially in blue cities and states, decided to break their oath, breached constitutional rights and caused trauma to US Citizens. What they should have done is arrested politicians for Obstruction of Justice, and charge them with that and for violating 50 US Code 842, when they followed a socialist or communist acting politician!!
Organized work forces (unions) are the first tenet of the communist manifesto.
Your post shows clearly that you have not done that... otherwise, you'd understand what has ACTUALLY been happening since 2016.
You are clearly still reading the news as a consumer... which means you don't realize what is actually happening.
The answers to your frustration and misunderstanding are all here:
You will see that happen more and more as others are touched by the mandates. This bullshit is ran by a few individuals of jewish descent, and the politicians playing along will get their comeuppance at some point since they are only serving a purpose until they are no longer needed by the ruling motherfuckers. Then they will be discarded because they know too much.
I get the frustration, but you have the wrong enemy. It's not the police, it's the people they work for that are the issue. Take out the swamp rats, and police departments will be reformed naturally.
So a mob boss who's enforcers do what they're told are innocent? Come on now. People here mock those that got the shots because it was a choice but defend the "blue lives matters" cause someone above told them to do it.
Our side is just as blind as the other side in certain ways.
I’ve seen your posts before. You’re very anti police.
Maybe you have a different experience with police but in most red states and rural areas, the police are very reasonable and ethical.
In my metro area, they would be on our side if there was a civil war.
Again, your experience may be totally different where you live.
I am indeed very anti police. This happened over the last year, year and a half. Give me a reason to be pro police. I don't understand this never ending "blue lives matter" support.
Small town cops are not what I am referencing here. It's the big cities where all the shit has gone down. All over the world in fact, not just in the US.
I find it comical so many of us genuinely believe that if the order came down, cops here would NOT conduct themselves like the police in Europe, Canada and Australia are.
Time will tell but I wouldn't bet against it and frankly, it appears that test is coming soon.
you're in Canada, right?
Fuck Canada. No.
“Lighten up Francis.”
---Sgt Hulka