That is a great point. We should have rules just like we do for President to hold an elected office in this country. Number one being you were born here.
Just need to badly photoshop a birth certificate. Fight against releasing it. Then hammer in how anyone who thinks it's photoshop is crazy and be not open to debate.
And make sure to leave the birth certificate raw without merging down any of the layers.
at all.
so we can trigger folks.
I'm seriously trying to sort out this Blackrock play in China.
I am staring at Evergrande. They were supposed to get enough to pay their Bond Interests ( this will be the fourth missed payment if they can't ) and they couldnt even close the deal on selling of 2.5 billion.
Dude. They are total lepresy. Nobody is coming to save them and won't even do business with them for pennies on the dollar.
What does that mean?
Meanwhile Blackrock is running into China for some reason. They know something we don't? Even Soros was warning them that was a bad idea.
Yeah. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THIS!!! ‘Course tards will decry it as “edgy and bold”, further damaging the minds of our youth. I hate these demons. Vile freaks.
Everyone keeps saying that. If the people are going to allow someone like him to be pres then guess what. All you guys like to say "they let obozo be president".
No they didn't. You did. I did. The people did and as long as the people remain without a spine fuckfaces like obozo will be president.
That is a great point. We should have rules just like we do for President to hold an elected office in this country. Number one being you were born here.
Just need to badly photoshop a birth certificate. Fight against releasing it. Then hammer in how anyone who thinks it's photoshop is crazy and be not open to debate.
And kill the one who made the photoshopped birth certificate
And call them racist.
And make sure to leave the birth certificate raw without merging down any of the layers.
at all.
so we can trigger folks.
I'm seriously trying to sort out this Blackrock play in China.
I am staring at Evergrande. They were supposed to get enough to pay their Bond Interests ( this will be the fourth missed payment if they can't ) and they couldnt even close the deal on selling of 2.5 billion.
Dude. They are total lepresy. Nobody is coming to save them and won't even do business with them for pennies on the dollar.
What does that mean?
Meanwhile Blackrock is running into China for some reason. They know something we don't? Even Soros was warning them that was a bad idea.
Possible alternate motive from my absolutely 100% uninformed perspective to get your gears turning,
Is Blackrock making moves that would be consistent with controlled actors/white hats? Cover for seized assets?
And “acquire” a couple kids as to not appear to be a homo getting banged by a tranny………
Yeah. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THIS!!! ‘Course tards will decry it as “edgy and bold”, further damaging the minds of our youth. I hate these demons. Vile freaks.
Being a non citizen didn't stop Obama from becoming President. In the end, the real threat is corruption and deceit.
well the truth is the corrupt government allowed him to be president.
I am to the point that all fault resides with the people. If we want and end to this then it is up to us to do it.
"elected office" - you're funny.
well how did that work for ovomit
Everyone keeps saying that. If the people are going to allow someone like him to be pres then guess what. All you guys like to say "they let obozo be president".
No they didn't. You did. I did. The people did and as long as the people remain without a spine fuckfaces like obozo will be president.
not pinning that chocolate jesus on me! disliked him from the beginning now detest him.
Indeed. My case in point.