Fuck the dog experiments. They let this slip out to hide the dead babies that were torn limb from limb, decapitated, or poisoned to be used in the vaccine and other experiments.
I’m hoping it’s just a tiny starter pill. If people can accept a dog would be treated this way, they might not flat out deny evidence of something worse later
Look how long it took sheep to accept that Covid didn’t come from bat soup.
I’m not looking forward to day that evidence of baby mutilation, murder, and worse finally goes main stream, as it it will be a painful bandaid to rip for many, but the truth needs to come out.
Which law enforcement agency would enforce this? The senators want him arrested the people want him hanged but WHICH agency would actually have jurisdiction to do it?
Fuck the alphabet agency pricks, they're useless, anyway. What Fauci has done, in its totality, amounts to a war crime. The fucker needs to be put in gitmo. They can let the prisoners there ass rape him to death.
As soon as dogs and puppies were found out to be harmed everyone is SCREAMING for his arrest. When we found out that aborted babies are used in these vaccines that are injected into millions? Silence. Really shows you what these covidiots really care about.
Whenever we organically trend I love how you click on the # and see only lefties freaking out about people tweeting this whom you never see just the lefts attempted refutation. Also really enjoying the "completely organic" Free Myanmar trends that all have the same copy pasted narrative headline
After thinking for months about who the first arrest should be, I know fauci would have the greatest impact. If he is exposed people will hesitate to get the vax/booster immediately. Then as stories and reasons come out about him and those who support him, this worldwide pandemic will be exposed protecting so many lives. He’s a BIG domino who will take down everything including fjoe biden.
If you ever watched Game of Thrones, a live replay of what Sansa did to Ramsay would be perfect. Even if it would be over too quickly. The SOB needs to suffer for a very long time.
Abuse is abuse, torture is torture. How sad that because they make a statement regarding animal abuse you think they ignore abuse in children, babies, the elderly, etc.
Someone should make a citizens arrest.
Fuck the dog experiments. They let this slip out to hide the dead babies that were torn limb from limb, decapitated, or poisoned to be used in the vaccine and other experiments.
I’m hoping it’s just a tiny starter pill. If people can accept a dog would be treated this way, they might not flat out deny evidence of something worse later
Look how long it took sheep to accept that Covid didn’t come from bat soup.
I’m not looking forward to day that evidence of baby mutilation, murder, and worse finally goes main stream, as it it will be a painful bandaid to rip for many, but the truth needs to come out.
I wouldn't even be surprised if that turned out to be true.
The DOJ will get on this in 3... 2... 1...
... nevermind.
They will be patting themselves on the back that #jfb is not 1 any longer.
Hey, maybe this will be the first public arrest! You can easily see how things would unwind from here.
Beagle Lives Matter! Kek!
serious question
Which law enforcement agency would enforce this? The senators want him arrested the people want him hanged but WHICH agency would actually have jurisdiction to do it?
Fuck the alphabet agency pricks, they're useless, anyway. What Fauci has done, in its totality, amounts to a war crime. The fucker needs to be put in gitmo. They can let the prisoners there ass rape him to death.
As soon as dogs and puppies were found out to be harmed everyone is SCREAMING for his arrest. When we found out that aborted babies are used in these vaccines that are injected into millions? Silence. Really shows you what these covidiots really care about.
Whenever we organically trend I love how you click on the # and see only lefties freaking out about people tweeting this whom you never see just the lefts attempted refutation. Also really enjoying the "completely organic" Free Myanmar trends that all have the same copy pasted narrative headline
Great! It's the #1 Trend! Absolutely amazing!...But! Will anything be done? Hell NO!
Stop, erections lasting more than 4 hours are dangerous.
After thinking for months about who the first arrest should be, I know fauci would have the greatest impact. If he is exposed people will hesitate to get the vax/booster immediately. Then as stories and reasons come out about him and those who support him, this worldwide pandemic will be exposed protecting so many lives. He’s a BIG domino who will take down everything including fjoe biden.
Took long enough, we knew this months ago.
I'll second that turd.
Remove his tongue and hands and allow us to watch his descent into madness over not being able to communicate or feel important.
If you ever watched Game of Thrones, a live replay of what Sansa did to Ramsay would be perfect. Even if it would be over too quickly. The SOB needs to suffer for a very long time.
On a rigged platform...
This is the top post on Q Research? This is it?
If the media doesn't run it, then it never happened. That's the problem with the communists here. They don't give a flying fuck.
It's fucked up human nature...Like Stalin said, "One person dead is a tragedy...a million dead is a statistic!"
Abuse is abuse, torture is torture. How sad that because they make a statement regarding animal abuse you think they ignore abuse in children, babies, the elderly, etc.