I just got a phone call. He died this afternoon.
I don't even know what to say. I just don't have anybody else that I can share my frustration with. So I am posting this here.
Thanks for just being here.
Thank you mods for making this place available.
Sorry to hear this. It's heartbreaking when loved ones do this, not because they are dumb, but because they have been deceived by every expert and authority they have been taught to trust.
Ultimately, every person makes their own choices. These are the times we live in. Just know that there is nothing you could have done to change the outcome.
Yup. Unfortunately, this is something we are more prepared to deal with than most people are. Or at least we should be by now. Prepare for suffering the likes of which we have never seen.
Lady in my office just told me her ovaries and uterus are full of tumors and her doc doesnt know how they could have grown so quickly. I have always strongly disliked the lady, but I will be praying for her.
Another lady in the office collapsed out of no where a few months ago. Both are vaxxed as fuck.
At this point we cannot hate, or even judge the sheep. Our hate needs to be directed @ the shepherds leading them.
Also had a coworker call me about uterus cancer. I did not ask, but am pretty confident she took the jab early on. She had treatment but now has to go every 6 months for checks. Keeping the money flowing through the corrupt SickCare system.
Is the theory on this that cancer is able to flourish bec the immune system is 'focused' on corona-type viruses? Stops the natural apoptosis function of the body?
The biggest problem is that people are actively denying vaxx connection to crazy, unusual and sudden health problems people are developing, and hence its hard to stop others from taking it. I feel sorry for these people too, I wish them well, but I also wish they were smart enough to make connections
I dunno how they can deny it. It’s ridiculous
Because that's the domino that topples their entire worldview.
Great post, especially the last sentence.
they have been deceived by every expert and authority they have been taught to trust
Growing up, I was let down, deceived, betrayed, etc. by every Big Force in life that you’re supposed to admire, look to as authority figures, trust to guide you through life. If none of that had happened, I would have lined up and gotten the jab too. Weird how life primes you for things. All that crap I went through is saving my life now. You can’t learn to not trust authority figures until they’ve taught you that they’re untrustworthy. Sometimes you learn that as a little kid. Sometimes you learn it at the end of a syringe. The ones I grew up thinking were “lucky” are actually supremely unlucky. Ain’t life grand?
There is something we all could have done, actually. But so ingrained in us are the idea that we cannot violate someone's else rights that we choose to let them die.
Too bad the cabal already violated their rights with the mandate and made them die.
Once people realize this, that the sheeps' rights were already violated time and time again. The awakening will happen.
Shepherds who can't lead their herd will lose many. Establish yourself as a shepherd if you want to stop losing people.
If you are suggesting forcing your friends to not take vaccines, it doesn't work on multiple levels. Firstly, the FUD. If something, God forbid, happens to them it will be on your head forever. Secondly, its free will. We cannot force people to do something. Every person has to make their own choices.
My best friend is a trump-loving conservative. Knows all of this is BS and a scam. Has taken ivermectin. We’ve spent hours on the phone about all of this.
Well, her work mandated the shot, and she loves her job and her income. She said she would file exemptions but in the end she just went and got the shot and told me afterward. I pledged to help her and do whatever I could; but she couldn’t live with losing her stupid job.
This is the sad reality. She is risking her health and fertility with these jabs and thinks she will be just fine. I’ve been sick about it… but the choice was hers to make… I did all I could. Just sucks. I’m so over it all.
You did the best you could. Now lets just hope here and all others in our lives who have succumbed will stay healthy until the time comes when they can be healed.
The sad part about getting jabbed for a job is that most jobs are at will and they can be fired for any reason the next time the company needs to fire someone.
I have a friend I really tried to convince- she got the shot and for her oldest son who is 12. I'm devastated, but it was her choice. I had to let it go. I know of very few people who are NOT vaxxed - I try not to think of it.
Force is not needed. There are many ways to non violent protest. Many ways to force research.
We all saw a monk self immolate right? don't do that but do something that make them know it's not a matter of opinions.
Why dont we go on a hunger strike? show them we'd lose our jobs our bellies, our smiles. Anything that you can lose without irreparable harm.
Cause this is their lives. No this is not a choice to make this is suicide.
Choices are better suited for chocolate or vanilla. Did you know its illegal to commit suicide so when the paramedic come to save you, you can't sue them. Or something like that.
I’d rather become abundant than starve myself. Become highly competent and sophisticated.
"There is something we all could have done, actually. But so ingrained in us are the idea that we cannot violate someone's else rights that we choose to let them die... Shepherds who can't lead their herd will lose many. Establish yourself as a shepherd if you want to stop losing people."?? What?? I don't understand what you mean. How do save someone from the jab (subject at hand) by taking away their right to choose? Other than minor dependents- whose healthcare I did direct, by & large, until they moved out on their own- now they are adults, with their own jobs & homes... I care deeply about them, but their freedom to choose is as precious as their lives.
How and WHY would I stop another adult from making their own choices about whom they trust regarding information to support and direct their thoughts, beliefs, and healthcare? Why would I do more than let my own thoughts and ideas and the information resources I trust be known? WHY would I usurp their freedom?
I have dealt with those who choose to bully others out of their opinion with shaming and shunning and verbal abuse and controlling behavior. That is not "shepherding" in the sense that Jesus spoke of a Good Shepherd. No thanks.
My freedom to choose is not to be imposed on other adults. My body, my choice, my responsibility to own those consequences. Same for all those I love. Same for the anonymous stranger. I share ideas. The choice & the consequences belong to each individual.
Your reaction is spot on, you are literally repeating what I said with more words.
See do we have enough proof they are killing people? yes Are they trying to kill kids 5-11? soon yes.
Now I believe all people can stop being sheeps and just be people and deserve free choice. But if they have be 100% demoralized and cannot use their full human ability to think. You should treat them like 'dependants'
But of course we know most of us (me included when it comes to things like soda or gambling) rather watch them die (or be in ruins) than violate their rights, regardless of how impaired or manipulated.
But where is the line, when is enough stupidity? kids 5-11?
Exactly ! ! !
I’ve done Exact thing with all of my friends and they’re just so fucking stupid that they’re still pro vaxx
Sheep 🐑 Times 1000. No waking them from the slaughter
Um the word for that is "dumb."