Millions of Americans are being fired for refusing the vaccine, and will now face homelessness and starvation as they lose their livelihoods in the middle of Winter, but Joe Biden is planning to give $450,000 to each illegal alien?
We are being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical dictator.
1776 will commence again.
Your 450k will end up being used as kindling to light a fire to stay warm.
Think a lot of wetbacks better watch their wallets! Got a lot of homeless, hungry, cold, unemployed people here with guns!
Go after the head of the snake doing it. They are just collecting due to Brandon Xiden administration.
The fuckheads invading are not innocent and deserve whatever fate we impose.
Whose letting them in? Oh yeah Biden.
Whose not letting people arrest them? Oh ya Biden.
Whose not letting the wall be completed? Oh ya Biden
Time for both to go.
Last I checked Biden brought a bunch of Haitians over.
1776 will commence again!
Remember how easy Jan 6th was. Imagine that times 1000 with pissed off people and guns and nothing to lose.
Real people this time that are starving. Not FBI agents in dress up.
I won't wait until I'm starving. Mone of us should.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Lord HELP US
Not one illegal will see that money. The leftist will get it all.
How much compensation for the kids who were abused due to not being separated from the people using them as props to get over the border? Of that's right, nothing!
Bruh. $450k is enough to BUY an amazing house in cash. This is literally unbelievable.
Isnt it per person? They could rack it up if they took 3 or 4 kids from the same fam
How many days on flip flops? 80 days?
They are just using this to try and fund their child trafficking.
Time for Civil War II.
White Replacement
Time to RISE and STAND
The only wrinkle is you got to kidnap a kid first convincing them you're his parent and then get him taken away by border patrol then you get your money. On a serious note this news has made me angrier than I've ever been in my entire life hearing news.
I post this in front of every Democrat and ask “so ….. how much you getting?” Then i smile and laugh
Mods said Feds are here....might not want to discuss conflict.
The feds have been here since the place started. Nothing here is a secret.