So many of the allegedly "real" telegram accounts have been flooded with "Trump coin - last day to buy" posts. Safe to assume they are all fake accounts - including Trump Family, Gen Flynn and others?
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I would have to agree and I am disappointed. Anytime I see one of those pitches, I delete the account. I have done several in the last week. Find another platform to hock wares. Telegram is supposed to be for social media and discussion - not a marketplace.
Knowing a site with "Trump Coin" ads is fake is like knowing that the "Subaru" ahead of you is full of Liberals.
Yup. MANY Fakes.
I do wonder what they all are about.
There’s like a couple dozen accounts for like every major individual. Each claiming to be the ‘real’ person.
Hell there’s even accounts for people who are supposedly dead. I’m aware of several different Michael Jackson accounts. There’s god knows how many accounts for various members of the Kennedy family.
There’s dozens of random accounts claiming to be agents or some such.
To the best of my knowledge the only account Flynn laid claim to as legitimate was this one .
General rule of thumb. Unless the individual directly confirms the veracity of the account. Assume it’s a larp. Regardless of how many followers it has.
As given the amount of places you can buy fake followers. It means that the LARP accounts rapidly rise to prominence on fake clout. And then confirmation bias takes over. “Look at all the people following this guy he must be legit”.
With people usually latching onto whatever account parrots beliefs and opinions closely resembling their own.
cmon man
Try Gab or Gettr.