Laws are only useful if the right people break them. Otherwise they're of no use at all. Let's choose sides shall we?? I'll take the fat kid....who IS a hero... the other side can take, you.
If they’re trying to charge Kyle with that bullshit of a charge then shouldn’t they be charging that woman beater with a half an arm (thank you Kyle) for having a gun as a felon?
Why would we care WTF anyone thinks? That's the whole fucking problem. Weak minds. Weak convictions. Weak morals. Weak. Weak. Weak. Such a fucking embarrassment.
In reality, no Patriot gives a FLYING FUCK what ANYBODY outside of America thinks.
we just gon' conquer the world if we get backtalked!
It is because they are so arrogant. Like a lot of politicians their arrogance makes them blind to their own ignorance
This just looks like shill work to me.
Laws are only useful if the right people break them. Otherwise they're of no use at all. Let's choose sides shall we?? I'll take the fat kid....who IS a hero... the other side can take, you.
yep. I'd take the fat kid with no f's given over a limp wristed beta male any day
These people running their mouths could use a good ass wooping
This faggot wouldn't say that to Kyle’s face
Of course not! He's get his face blown off most likely lmao
Pretty sure he crossed state lines, and then acquired the weapon.
Has anyone corrected that guy that his only real complaint isn't actually true?
I did. I sent links from "reputable" news soures only for him to say that I wasn't looking at the big picture and I was being racist.
The murder charges are debatable but it's racist to point out the gun was owned and kept in WI?
If they’re trying to charge Kyle with that bullshit of a charge then shouldn’t they be charging that woman beater with a half an arm (thank you Kyle) for having a gun as a felon?
Why would we care WTF anyone thinks? That's the whole fucking problem. Weak minds. Weak convictions. Weak morals. Weak. Weak. Weak. Such a fucking embarrassment.