Bill Gates Finally Admits to Failure of COVID Vaccines He Fought So Hard to Prop Up
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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I just don't see it. It's like Spanish Flu. It's not going to last forever. Eventually, gig is up. Move on to plan B.
Their Agenda has continued expanding.
Since Frederick Gates married his replacement wife in Racine, Wisconsin, they have been building the partnerships including the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Community Foundations, think tanks and institutions, and an “interfaith alliance” to push their Agenda forward.
China Medical Board was one example using “science” and media to eliminate Christianity.
They aim to create their new “god” and change humanity to transhumanity with AI.
They will expand biological, chemical, economic and information warfare to maintain control.
Racine is the Root and model.
Okay so I haven't really done any digging on Racine just cuz other digging has taken up my time as well as work.... But what's the significance of Racine Wisconsin? Any sauce to help me started down the yellow brick road?
Lol, you are about to get avalanched.
BRING IT ON lol. I try to keep up with everything but it's so damn hard being a productive member of society with a family and then keeping up with all the information that I need to go through. Sometimes I need a little help from my fellow horses
The history of comments are full of areas to dig.
It is the meeting point of the global elite for generations and model community for the real agenda.
What is your main point of interest? Here are some to choose from.
Election rigging COVID and Cornell Big Tech, Foxconn, smart cities and quantum AI Secret societies Illuminati and Council of 13 families Ancient formations and civilizations Interfaith alliances Water Slavery Human trafficking Corruption and kleptocracies Agenda 21 and 2030
Oh boy that's a lot to go through.... My wife might not see me tonight after all. I'm gonna be in my basement looking like charlie from it's always sunny in Philadelphia with his conspiracy wall 😂
The real Yellow Brick Road is the trail of animal-shaped burial mounds oriented towards the "Path of Souls" and Racine, Wisconsin is the real-life Emerald City, where the men behind the curtain model nearly every aspect of life from cradle to grave, and where the most important global decisions are made ranging from nuclear arms control agreements to the founding of the international criminal court.
Racine is the "root" of the world tree; the Axis Mundi; the "root" of the celestial pole (Earth's axis of rotation) and the Point and Place where the center of the Milky Way galaxy glides over the horizon and crosses the worlds largest source of fresh water, the Great Lakes, which were formed by a comet impact that caused extinction level events around 12,000 years ago.
That is why the Mound Builders believed the area was the gateway into the Path of Souls through the constellation Orion and why they were the first to name the area "root" [Chippecotton] and "pike/pole" [Kenosha] - because an Axis Mundi is a pole, or ladder, between worlds
In order to understand what I am saying, you must acquaint yourself with the Mound Builders' religion and the Path of Souls ritual. This 20-minute documentary will explain most of what you need to know, but to summarize their beliefs:
This is almost identical to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians who were so certain that Orion is where the soul went after death that they placed the bodies of their dead pharoahs inside of pyramids that were aligned with Orion and built to the exact proportions of the chemical structure of the water molecule. To prove that latter point, consider the Pythagorean pentagram, a five pointed star with the bond angle of the water molecule encoded within it; when this hidden shape is divided by the golden ratio a perfect drawing of the great pyramid of Giza is created.
That is why a five pointed star represented the afterlife in Egyptian hieroglyphics. A pentagram symbolized the land of the Star Gods, and a pentacle (a star with a circle around it) represented Duat, the underworld, or Land of the Dead. The Milky Way itself was represented by Nu, the Mother Goddess of the Primordial Waters, and her hieroglyphic symbol was the water pot.
Now you should understand many obscure things about Racine, like why the billionaire elites who live there go to school at Cornell University and join the Sphinx Head society, or why the Racine Masonic center is decorated in Egyptian symbols. You should also be able to interpret the real meaning behind these words:
Now ask yourself where the Wizard of Oz first premeried, and where the actor who played the Wizard of Oz went to school in real life.