FOUR years ago, we knew (and they did, too) the worthless rat bastards at the Washington Post were lying. Now that Durham has forced their epic correction, it is DONE. With the decisive liquidation of their dogshit Russia collusion narrative, WaPo's reputation has officially filed for bankruptcy.

Let me draw your all's attention to the WaPo masthead, where their motto is, "Democracy dies in darkness." That is not a warning... it's their mission statement.
Either they were once upon a time honest OR they used that as a smoke screen. The most vicious always paint themselves in sheep's clothing.
Like “Don’t Do Evil” until it too was dropped.
Yeah, I guess it's the swamps style. They blame others for what they are doing & say the exact opposite of their true intentions.
Democracy is bad tho
Luckily we live in a Republic.....!
Wasn’t that motto in response to Trump’s supposed Russian collusion and Trump's ‘attacks’ on the media’s reporting on it?
No, that has been their masthead for decades, going WAY back.
No it isn’t. It was changed several years ago I think when Dr. Evil bought it. I’ve been using it to drain bacon, start fires and line bird cages for decades.
Be careful with those birds. Certainly don't use it on any parrot cages. They got enough parrots out there already repeating their lies
Yeah... leftists won’t give a shit. It’s home team no matter what for them. They think this bullshit is justified to get orange man. And normies are too busy watching Netflix and sports ball.
Not dooming either... just know that they will have to hit rock bottom (precipice) before finding the will to change. To us it seems like we’re well past that point. My wife has a penis. For them, it will have to hit their pocket books worse than now to even start waking up. I’m not discouraged by this either. Hard times will make the current generation of kids far better adults. We’ll win in the end.
Not really if you count people who used to consider themselves leftist 10 years ago..... Woken a lot of them up. The remaining ones are I guess the slim that aren't capable of thinking for themselves.