How many times can you sue a news source? I hope Kyle gets them all and the resident Bidet. or do ya figure they are so deep in it they may as well stir it up as much as possible? Or are they really that STUPID?
"Why" what? Why is the MSM totally twisting this story? or Why are they saying the BLM protestors were unarmed? or Why are they saying the protestors were BLM? or what?
Please spray some air freshener or light a match when you drag this s*&t in here.
The parallel universe continues. They live... where up is down, and down is up.. and if you entered with a brain.. you certainly won't leave with one.. in.. the twilight zone
Wow, are they just looking to give Kyle money?
PANIC. Enjoy the show.
"Almost unarmed" -Kyle Rittenhouse (probably)
Solid my dude.
Enemy of We The People
How many times can you sue a news source? I hope Kyle gets them all and the resident Bidet. or do ya figure they are so deep in it they may as well stir it up as much as possible? Or are they really that STUPID?
BLM is angry cuz Kyle killed 2 white guys and maimed the other?
Keep going ....more ammo for Kyle's lawsuits. He will own all of this media.
"Why" what? Why is the MSM totally twisting this story? or Why are they saying the BLM protestors were unarmed? or Why are they saying the protestors were BLM? or what?
Please spray some air freshener or light a match when you drag this s*&t in here.
The parallel universe continues. They live... where up is down, and down is up.. and if you entered with a brain.. you certainly won't leave with one.. in.. the twilight zone
Stranger Things.
Glad I forced myself through two seasons of that horse apple show, just so I'm aware of "Upside Down" comms.
They so mad! Ha!