The Georgia Guidstones were paid for, with a trust for maintenance, by a man under the pseudonym Robert C. Christian/R.C. Christian/Rose Cross Christian/Rosicurians, who are "Christian kabalists". Rosicurianism is a flavor of New Age/NWO/Masonic secret society that is Christian in name only. They consider themselves the Sons of Cain, the serpent seedline. The tramp stamp of a snake made of roses: symbolism will be their downfall.
Ted Turner is a probable suspect as the man, or a member of a group, behind the pseudonym and Guidestones.
A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.
– Ted Turner, founder of CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, Kappa Sigma alumnus and donor of $1-billion to the United Nations
I believe the first lines spoken in the movie The Exorcist 3 were “I have dreams… of a rose, and then of falling down a long flight of steps.”
I always wondered what that Rose scene was about it was very creepy.
Q 747:
Flowers & Gardens.
Learn the hidden symbolism.https://
What does a 'Flower' represent?
What does 'Deflower' represent?
I'm kinda blind I cant make out what it is?
so the article says it's a snake, but I "blew it up" and it seems to be more of a pair of roses intertwined..
Definitly not a snake. Its a vine with leaves and roses at the top.
yeah..I blew it up..def. 2 roses intertwined...The Sun "reported" it as a snek..def. not a snek..sorry.
There's something about roses to these people. I don't remember as it's been a while since I saw it.
I believe you are "remembering" this: Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis or the Rosicrucians...
The Georgia Guidstones were paid for, with a trust for maintenance, by a man under the pseudonym Robert C. Christian/R.C. Christian/Rose Cross Christian/Rosicurians, who are "Christian kabalists". Rosicurianism is a flavor of New Age/NWO/Masonic secret society that is Christian in name only. They consider themselves the Sons of Cain, the serpent seedline. The tramp stamp of a snake made of roses: symbolism will be their downfall.
Ted Turner is a probable suspect as the man, or a member of a group, behind the pseudonym and Guidestones.
For a thorough investigation if the Guidestones:
interesting read:
Thank you and good OP.
There IS something to the roses. Not sure what, but you can feel it, right?
I believe the first lines spoken in the movie The Exorcist 3 were “I have dreams… of a rose, and then of falling down a long flight of steps.” I always wondered what that Rose scene was about it was very creepy.
Q 747: Flowers & Gardens. Learn the hidden symbolism.https:// What does a 'Flower' represent? What does 'Deflower' represent? Q
Q748 Think children. Think slaves. Think sheep. Q
2 roses
Rod ROSEnstein
I like the way you think, but it's a stretch
I thought it was a snake when I blew up the picture before I read anything about what it may be here.
even the Sun reporter couldn't be bothered to "blow it up"...took two secs to figure it out..smh..."Reliable News"...Kek
from Sun article.
Pedo-criminals almost portrayed like superstars!