I was exposed to covid a few months back and it didnt ever hit me toooo badly (I slammed Zinc+Vit D/NAC/Turmeric/Oil of Oregano/Black Seed Oil/Lysine/etc), but ever since I've been suffering on off with severe insane bouts of fatigue where I feel very ill/tired. I kept thinking this from being out near vaxxed people and getting shed on, but sometimes it happens outside of times when I've been out/about. I started to wonder if this is some sort of long tern effect from this lab made bullshit they infected people with.
has anyone else experienced this? if so did ivermectin heal it for you? I have ivermectin on the way from the Indian pharms but god damn it takes a while so I still have 3-4 weeks til I have it in hand. I am going to take it full dose per the Frontline protocol no matter what once I get it, but wanted to see others' experiences. thanks in advance!
Start horse treatment now
100 mg Aspirin a day. Fatigue is probably due to blood not flowing right..I think that is an overlooked symptom after recovery .
Actually just had another thought.. lately when I’ve felt bad a few drinks have weirdly made me feel better (figured out kind of by accident)- so this really makes me think this blood flow issue is the key. Usually if I’m sick or feeling flu ish, drinking makes me feel worse so it’s been a weird anomaly that it’s been making me feel better.
I had it early, got it last year during the spread and lockdown on Zurich airport no smell no taste for months, and it was not that bad just engineered flu I guess. But later on constant fatigue for months. I tried vitamins and finally took Aspirin protect -Acytesilin acid is called I think that helps older people get their blood flowing normally in the morning, that saved me, if your weight and height is bigger you can take 2 a day
I will def take, thank you so much!
I agree about the blood flow. I'm pernicious anemic.
Recently following covid illness, I gave myself a B12 and B6 shot, and noticed my oxygen saturation went up. My oxygen saturation was between 93% to 90% on room air. I noticed it went up to 94%-95% and was staying there after my B12 shot.
thanks for this, I will take til my ivermectin gets here!
It works like a miracle.
cant wait til i get it in hand!!
Well, my sister suffers from fatigue and occasional headaches, going on two months after she already got Covid. She should be immune, but swears it’s from interacting with those who have had the vaccine. And yes, ivermectin was a great help, and she has it on hand for when she should need it. I understand ivermectin should be taken on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Hope it helps you, like it did my family!
Ivermectin taken on an empty stomach concentrates it’s effectiveness in the gastrointestinal tract only. If you want full body benefit, it needs to be taken with fatty food.
Thanks for the tip!
thanks, nice to hear this! hearing others having similar experiences helps. I bought a LOTTTTT of ivermectin so i should be good for a long time for any pop up problems lol
Ivermectin works for 72 hours. It keeps the spike protein from entering the cells and reproducing. BUT the vaccine has auto-replicating instructions... So the mRNA will continue to tell your body to produce the spike proteins after the Ivermectin has left the body. Ivermectin works amazing if you just caught covid....
I’ve taken the horse paste multiple times and it works great! There’s something called long covid which a molecular scientist found that the spike protein stays in your system for 15 months following infection (or I think the vax) which can give you these symptoms. So taking a round of Ivermectin should eliminate the spike proteins from your body. Remember to take zinc at the same time. You’ll be good!
If you are using Frontline protocol surely you have heard of long haul covid as they have info and protocol for that specifically...look up FLCCC long haul covid protocol to see their information.
i didnt actually so thank you! i didnt know long haul covid was a thing and only recently was researching when i wast rying to figure out why i still keep having these bouts of feeling so shitty
Did you find the protocol or long haul info? I can look the link up but I don't have it saved. Hope you get to feeling better...my family had covid and for some it takes awhile to completely heal.
I did find it yes! Thanks a bunch, I went and poked around the site til I found it
awesome to hear!!
I dont understand the logic here. I thought Ivermectin was a Zinc Ionophore, ie increases intracellular Zinc levels thereby decreasing risk of viral growth.
Some other substances such as Heparin, Nicotine block access to Ace 2 sites so Covid protein cant insert.
So if Ivermectin is zinc Ionophore how can it stop long covid symtoms .. wondering if anyone knows the proposed mechanism?
Wondering if anyone with a more medical background than me can weigh in here.
A doctor explained the zinc is what prevents the "virus" from replicating, which because of its' parasitic nature has to be done inside your cells. So it is like a bullet. The gun that shoots the bullet is the zinc ionophore, which can be many things but quercetin and ivermectin are the most popular. That was the simplest explanation I heard and it makes sense.
Horse paste got rid of my bouts of fatigue. Had them since early 2020. Two doses 48 hours apart made the difference for me.
My son still can’t smell. Does Anyone know if I ivermectin will help with that?
I'm not sure about Ivermectin but my boss lost her smell and taste so she got a monoclonal antibodies treatment at the doctor and she said they back to normal within a few hours.