I simply cannot emphasize enough how important this is to read.
I thought I was awake and well-informed, but holy shit; the information in here made me realize I've still got so much waking up to do.
I can just about guarantee you don't truly understand the full scope of what our satanic, communist enemy is attempting with their "Great Reset" unless you have read this.
It is absolutely horrifying, but we ALL have to read and heed it.
Please post your thoughts & feedback.
Yes, it is a bit on the longer side, but nothing worth having comes easy.
God Bless y'all.
The solution will be lead. Lots and lots of precious metal such as lead.
I can't possibly agree more, but WHEN?
What TF is the actual "line in the sand"???
Seems we don't have any as of now....
The thing is whites have families, bills etc. They will try and keep things glued together as long as possible. But once things start falling apart and there is nothing to lose, well CNN was right for once, there really is nothing scarier than a pissed off white man.
Fuck I hope so.
For the love of God; and I've prayed to him;
Please show me a non-violent solution to this.
Please show me other times in history when people have voted themselves out of situations even half as bad as what we now find ourselves in.....
I just don't see it, and God hasn't shown me anything but the alternative solution.....
This is a good, but hard (depressing) read.
It's what George Orwell warned us of.
Truly...... It's mind blowing.
So the question is what do we do to stop this....
at this point i thought the military was the only way...?
where are they? where does our country go to now after this massacre?
What is transpiring in / to our world is not merely happening naturally;
It is being forced upon us by people with names and addresses.
As my favorite meme states,
Our freedoms / liberties aren't dying; They're being stolen / killed off by people with names and addresses.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
You think that's bad look into NYSE’s new investment vehicle—‘natural asset companies’
They're gonna try an buy nature, under the guise of conservation.
Kind of like how china has purchased hundreds - if not thousands - of US Farms, bill gates has purchased OVER 200,000 acres of US farmland, etc?
Like that?
I have a new tab open for these "natural asset co's" tho..... ugh.....
We have to stop this....
Here's a decent article that breaks down what their plan is. I'm at work so don't have much time now, but this would be the end of the free world as we know it. It's terribly frightening & more evil than I could have ever imagined.
Thank You so very much!!
And if this article is anything similar to what I posted above, yes; Absolutely and utterly terrifying and bigger in scope than I believe any of us really imagined.
Like Trump always said; "THINK BIG."
Our enemy does.
You're welcome, this topic needs more eyes on it. I was aware of this article before you posted it & educated myself on these happenings.
I believe the information i shared with you is the completion of that process. Complete possession of the earth & it's resources. If they're successful, there will be no escape from these demons. They will literally own everything, while enriching themselves & enslaving us.
I came across this article & thought of this thread:
Damn..It's happening in right in front of our faces now, Newsom will continue to tote the line until he falls. The cheated recall election has brazenly made him more corrupt.
We need to start fighting back. (6 min, 32 sic)
It comprises the very fibers,
That are twisted into thread,
Then woven, warp and weft,
This perception in our head.
Weave, knit, braid, crochet, felt, plait.
Hands make machines, cast needles,
Guide threads and strands into place,
Be it credal cloth or shrouds of evil.
In the open, in the sunlight,
A thing of value, use, produced.
In the darkness, in the shadows,
Malefic tricks of mind, induced.
Look there, in the shadows,
Where you are afraid to look.
Look there, in the shadows,
Do you see the hands at work?
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
This needs to be stickied. And shared everywhere.
Thank You!
I agree; I think this is the most epic thing I've read in a long time - and I read hours per day.....!
How much longer until Project Mayhem happens?
Should have started about 1.5 years ago.
Most of us are aware blackrock is the economic keystone. Gotta wait for it to get slapped by the economic fallout and reap the rewards of it hemorrhaging money to gmc and dwac
Edit: oh and the silver bounce. That one is well overdue. Like almost 2 centuries of manipulation to peel away there.
Did you read the article?
Blackrock & these other similar firms literally can't go bankrupt or anything close, because the Fed pumps them with all the money they could ever print.
You forget the principles of economics fren. Supply and demand.
As you print more money, each dollar loses value. Eventually trillions mean nothing. We will see the hyperinflation hit, and certain commodities will become very scarce, very quickly. Once they do, the whole system will collapse, and those of us who have been prepared will come out on top.
What are you actual thoughts and feedback of the content other than it being "mind blowing", as you put it?
Good question, thanks for asking.
Sorry often I don’t want to start off a thread with too much commentary so I can see how the conversation naturally unfolds before I interject my perspective.
That said; what caught me about this is I really didn’t understand the scope and scale of what our enemy is trying to do with the great reset.
I just didn’t understand how truly earth shattering their goals are.
It’s honestly hard to comprehend what a thorough and total shattering of our world as it currently is, they want to push on us.
I’m afraid if and how we will be able to successfully resist and stop them.
I will try to post more later at work
Read Schwab's writings on his un-Great Reset. He spells it all out. Then read the Sun's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 papers.
Yeah, I have that as an eBook & definitely need to read it; know thine enemy.
I really want to read it so I can get a better picture the scope of what these satanic demons have in store for us, but at the same time I'm reluctant because I know it will just spin me up.
Wait, "the sun's 21 and 2030"?
Do you mean the UN?
Again; I think I have the full text of their master draft docs for both Agenda 21 + 2030 and I just need to make time to read them......
Again; I know I have to but it's so upsetting because I feel so helpless when reading them.
Chilling to contemplate.
I hope EVERYONE here is preparing themselves for utter disaster.... because it definitely looks like awful shit is still coming down the road....