100% correct. Lin has posted a lengthy timeline on Telegram. To counter the shills already here, I suggest everyone read it, absorb it, research it etc. How many times has Q warned us about the FAKE NEWS? The best thing for the Movement is to research and not just parrot propaganda like the left do.
She is a plant.
100% correct. Lin has posted a lengthy timeline on Telegram. To counter the shills already here, I suggest everyone read it, absorb it, research it etc. How many times has Q warned us about the FAKE NEWS? The best thing for the Movement is to research and not just parrot propaganda like the left do.
Yes seeing that EVERYWHERE tonight. I thought as a whole we were becoming more vigilant, but shows there's still much work to do.
Can you give a short explanation of what Lin Wood said as a rebuttal?
I've been sus on Posobiec as well, this pretty much confirms it for me.
I feel like the Spiderman meme
No she isn't, I just think she isn't fully informed, or is missing information. Not everyone has the same level of redpill as we do on this board.
She started out pretending she was an Anon. Q warned us, she is a plant. She will betray us in the future.
Interaction always exposes an Anon to another Anon. It also exposes a fly to a frog.
That what happens when you get someone who rigorously spreads their legs for Israel apparently.
Jack is the POS that said Q was Microchip.
What did he say? Q is a microchip? wtf, what did he mean by that? Q is AI?
No there was this douchebag with the handle Microchip saying he was with Q.
mtg doesnt come off as very bright to me....i like a lot of what she does but this is something she maybe didnt need to comment on.
she gains nothing and can lose a lot
Right? Between her and Boebert, it's the Bimbo squad. It's not a popular opinion around here. They both seem like cheesy actresses.
MTG is starting to annoy me. Obviously we cheer when she comments about the DS players , but she didnt even try to verify any info here.
Just feels like a straight hit piece comment.
How do we know we can trust Lin though? I'm very conflicted on this.
Yes me too.
I don't trust him, he's said some pretty sketchy things, but for some reason people on this board seem to trust him implicitly.
/pol/ wasn't surprised to hear it. I know that much.
I would trust Lin over actor Kyle and fake Jack and phony mtg.........
wake up
When you know, you know