So proud. How many people really know what happened in Australia, November 20?
If you get 200,000 or even half a million, in a population of 67 millions (France) its a massive thing, but in Victoria, we had close to 500,000 on the street, from a population of 6.5 million.
That's almost 10% of the fricken state. My brain still cannot process it.
Oh, the cops know and yes, the pollies know. They know, they know, they know. But very few speak out, and the rest are either 100% bought and owned, and are fully corrupt, and the others are just sitting in deep, deep denial.
How can 450,000 people in a city of 5 million march, and the people that know things not know?
The Media was scurrilous. "More than 10,000 marched in Melbourne."
Scurrilous. I've never been a fan of the "hang em all" mantra, but the greatest anger in my heart is rising not for the corrupt devils, not for the corrupt establishment, but for the press who LIE to the people, through their teeth.
Well done OP, I'm reminded how some people heard that the Berlin wall was going to be opened. They just showed up and started waiting,then a few thousand more showed up. People saw the crowds and went down their, and then the guards got scared and left, people brought hammers and tools and the wall fell.
But if what we know about history today, the Berlin Wall falling was “allowed” to happen, it was more than likely a psyop on the whole world by the Deep State because that narrative had run its course. Then within less than a year the first Gulf War pops off followed shortly by George H.W. Bush’s “New World Order” speech.
My thoughts are that these groups are only a small percentage of the populace.
This is fine, because you only need a certain % for a patriot revolution. But i think that means the large majority still dont care enough to protest. Those that do care probably arent being very manipulated.
That was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! We were all created by God to be FREE! Satan can give it his best shot BUT GOD WINS!! Cry out to Him for Justice for those who’ve been taken from us - He is poised and ready to intervene, we just need to ask Him because He will not subvert our free will and intervene without our invitation. He needs us to partner with Him in this! Let’s do this! We are on the righteous side of Justice - it’s time to STAND “against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12 He has already called us to this! What are we waiting for?
America still slumbers... we used to be leaders, movers & shakers.
I went to rally's here- 50-100 people was a heavily attended one. The last meeting was a bunch of people pissed about the mask mandates, siting the abuse of their children in schools ...saying how we need to stand together against the tyranny...
But still sending them to school .... and expecting 5th & 6th graders to Stand up and fight the communists.
They all know the vax-ing of kids is coming to the schools- they know they won't be warned ahead of time and they send their CHILDREN to the frontline to fight this battle.
I'll get responses to this of parents saying "Some people have this or that going on and it's just too hard (inconvenient) to keep them home, we HAVE to send them to school" you're lying to yourself.
I don't want to hear your lame excuses and your "righteous indignation".
If you don't sacrifice for your kids they WILL be sacrificed... end of story.
So proud. How many people really know what happened in Australia, November 20?
If you get 200,000 or even half a million, in a population of 67 millions (France) its a massive thing, but in Victoria, we had close to 500,000 on the street, from a population of 6.5 million.
That's almost 10% of the fricken state. My brain still cannot process it.
We fight, worldwide.
Oh, the cops know and yes, the pollies know. They know, they know, they know. But very few speak out, and the rest are either 100% bought and owned, and are fully corrupt, and the others are just sitting in deep, deep denial.
How can 450,000 people in a city of 5 million march, and the people that know things not know?
The Media was scurrilous. "More than 10,000 marched in Melbourne."
Scurrilous. I've never been a fan of the "hang em all" mantra, but the greatest anger in my heart is rising not for the corrupt devils, not for the corrupt establishment, but for the press who LIE to the people, through their teeth.
Exhibit one
Thanks for sharing this. Must of been such a rush to see your country awoken from its slumber. Hope to see the same in Canada soon
Where were ya? Which country, location?
United we stand!
Well done OP, I'm reminded how some people heard that the Berlin wall was going to be opened. They just showed up and started waiting,then a few thousand more showed up. People saw the crowds and went down their, and then the guards got scared and left, people brought hammers and tools and the wall fell.
We need a catalyst.
But if what we know about history today, the Berlin Wall falling was “allowed” to happen, it was more than likely a psyop on the whole world by the Deep State because that narrative had run its course. Then within less than a year the first Gulf War pops off followed shortly by George H.W. Bush’s “New World Order” speech.
Very proud - Kiwis now standing with WW patriots.
My thoughts are that these groups are only a small percentage of the populace. This is fine, because you only need a certain % for a patriot revolution. But i think that means the large majority still dont care enough to protest. Those that do care probably arent being very manipulated.
The most beautiful thing is any one of those crowds outnumbers all the elites in the world and we would do well to remember that. ALL OF THEM
That was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! We were all created by God to be FREE! Satan can give it his best shot BUT GOD WINS!! Cry out to Him for Justice for those who’ve been taken from us - He is poised and ready to intervene, we just need to ask Him because He will not subvert our free will and intervene without our invitation. He needs us to partner with Him in this! Let’s do this! We are on the righteous side of Justice - it’s time to STAND “against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12 He has already called us to this! What are we waiting for?
I was in the one from Paris and it is absolutely glorious to see this. Let’s keep fighting!
THE most appropriate song for the times.
Australian Politicians and those in Au msm call these scum rallies, no need to know of the likes we are all dealing with.
Funny, you don't see any Antqueefa turds in any of these demos. I wonder why?
Oh No, we ain’t gonna take it, We’re not gonna take t, Anymore
That needs to be our rally song.
When we rally.
I like it!!!!🤣🤣🤣 So how will we know when and where and what?
I don't know,just keep the boom boxes ready.
Good for them.
America still slumbers... we used to be leaders, movers & shakers.
I went to rally's here- 50-100 people was a heavily attended one. The last meeting was a bunch of people pissed about the mask mandates, siting the abuse of their children in schools ...saying how we need to stand together against the tyranny...
But still sending them to school .... and expecting 5th & 6th graders to Stand up and fight the communists.
They all know the vax-ing of kids is coming to the schools- they know they won't be warned ahead of time and they send their CHILDREN to the frontline to fight this battle.
I'll get responses to this of parents saying "Some people have this or that going on and it's just too hard (inconvenient) to keep them home, we HAVE to send them to school" you're lying to yourself.
I don't want to hear your lame excuses and your "righteous indignation".
If you don't sacrifice for your kids they WILL be sacrificed... end of story.
That just feels good. Thanks
Haka looks so powerful and intimidatiing just like the German language sounds :D
Amazing video and can’t help but love the song, going to look for the video of the trump rallies!