Between hyperinflation and vax mandates it’s hard for me to be motivated in my general life.
I was a really goal oriented person when Trump was in office but right now with the Resident in it just feels in many ways pointless to make long term goals. I mean with both the DS and the Patriots needing the dollar to implode I just don’t feel motivated to strive for better currently cause it just seems pointless.
My life is pretty much oriented to avoiding the jab and trying to accumulate as much prepping materials, silver, bitcoin, Ethereum, GME and DWAC as I can. My semi normie Dad last night asked me where my drive in life has gone but it’s hard to explain cause he doesn’t really get what is going on.
Until the storm passes idk how I am supposed to make any long term goals.
Anyone else feel the same?
It feels as if life is on hold. I keep praying for the big reveal that will free us of this continued deadly game. Many of my family members have taken the jab including my wife and adult daughter. If it takes them I not sure if I can recover...
I'm tired of Sheeple, FakeNews, Hate and being uncertain if anything can or will save us from this craziness....
Exactly. My life is on hold is how I feel. It’s like we’re in this purgatory, I hate it.
You aren't alone in this, and it appears neither am I :)
I find it’s like being adrift without oars at times, so I am doing the same as you.
We are at a turning point, take a look at Mike Adams interviewing Dr. Stella, short but wonderful interview.
Put not your faith or hope in any man but in Jesus Christ! Cry out to Him and give Him your burdens. He already knows your anguish and what you need. These are the times where folks NEED to turn to Him, but so often turn to mind numbing drugs and alcohol for temporary relief.
Actually, me too :)
I mean; I wouldn't say it's "OK": to a point, sure.
But I hope everyone here is preparing, right?
Food, water purification, guns, ammo, gold, silver, etc?!?
I think this is a necessary step, to get us over this world, it's not our final destination, so we need to break free to move on.
Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters: yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
^this verse is from the section of the Bible referred to as the Q-Source. it's strictly the Sayings of Jesus, and it explains so much.
You’re not alone. It’s a little dark right now. I’ve been so distracted in my work since November 3rd of 2020. My drive is just gone. I miss Trump really badly.
I feel the light a little bit with every bit of good news. Don’t give up. We have to fight against the black pill. God wins. Jesus is King. Stay strong fren.
What you are doing ARE real goals, plus sharing information with those around you who are willing to receive it. You feel strongly about those things, right? Then they are your NEW goals.
It's just a bit unsettling when your new goals conflict with the goals you have been trained to think you must strive for. It's stressful to go against the level of brainwashing we've been subjected to. You're bucking the norm.
But we can access peace:
"....and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
"Seek ye the old paths, and there you will find rest for your soul".
I'm in good spirits fren. Have a boost on me. NCSWIC.
One foot in front of the other. Never the wrong time to do the next right thing and..... so on.
Thanks for this post and response! YES! You have hit the nail on the head. I have felt this way since I recovered from Covid a month ago. I just feel down, directionless and yes...that it's pointless to make plans for the future. I just found out my daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild. I'm excited, but fearful. If she has some kind of problem...God please no...I'm not sure how I will react...who I will blame?
I also want to be married so badly and I am up there in age (56) and afraid this will never happen. People close to me (only a couple) who know I'm struggling with this issue tell me to just pray? Well, I do pray...and pray...and pray...and absolutely no answer but NO! But the desire is still there even though I have started just praying for God to take the damn desire for companionship away! Anyway...very frustrated with life right now...the only thing I have going for me is a great job (thank you Lord Jesus), but not even sure for how long I will have that?
Well...just thought I would throw in my dollar's worth....thanks for listening? You all are the best!
I am 52 and single. We are NOT up there in age. We are just in a time where I believe God is protecting us from someone who could turn out not to compatible in this rapidly changing world. There are wonderful people out there who are just lost right now.
I’m right there with you, fren
55 and just met a fellow truther, four months ago, and am in love for the first time in my life. She’s amazing. I only met her because I thought this might be my last year of life if we lose the war, so I started searching. We are so in love and have everything in common. I gave up looking for love at 35 and had 20 years alone in a loveless marriage.
Life isn’t over till you’re dead. Till then, live.
How did you meet her fren?...
Hit the gym. Lift weights. It's not too late and you'll seriously increase your dating pool.
Good advice...we are on the same page...I recently joined a 24 hour fitness near my place and am TRYING to get this body moving again. Been many years since I worked out regularly with weights...
To everyone down in the dumps: "The best is yet to come" a promise PDJThas made repeately and it really is the only one he hasn't fulfilled. It sustains me through this "waiting for Godot" period. I have made some dots connect and now waiting for what will happen to the Fed since April 2020 folding of the Fed into the U.S. Treasury. I suspect when the market collapses from malaise, the currency must be scrapped and PM backed money set in place. After that, who knows what The Plan holds for us but I see it all happening SOON..
Im thinking unfortunately that this is the point of the exercise.. something short of civil war that we wont forget for a generation or two..