It's critical thinking time, folks. James Comey's daughter is "lead" prosecutor? What does that mean? See top comment. This case needs our best legal eyes on! 👀
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️

And that's the problem is that everyone DOES need to know.
Exactly. People can choose not to look or read into it. That should be each individual's choice. DO NOT FUCKING CHOOSE FOR ME. That's almost as bad as choosing to give me a vaccine (or not) without my consent.
The shock is going to come in the Generic Engineering part of this.
Do we honestly think it was just about sex? Easily the part that came forward into the public zeitgeist first and there is massively more.
How would a normie react when told “we replicate humans, design humans, and we Engineer People?
Idk about that. Its a bit syfi for me. But hearing about the 5 story underground basment with a submarine access, eating kids, and throwing them into wood chippers. Yeah. Id imagine thatd shock a normie.
They keep playing it off that Epstein was just getting his jollies off.
We know this isn't the case - bare minimum. There was A LOT more going on given the specific amalgum of people he was in intense talks post 2012.
Geneticists, Immunologists, and more.
When a murderer is executed by the government the public deserves to know exactly why.