Bannon said the next 17 days will be Armageddon. Is he trying to get them to spend ammo or is the collapse coming? If the collapse happens then what happens after the 17? Any guesses?
Take care frens
Bannon said the next 17 days will be Armageddon. Is he trying to get them to spend ammo or is the collapse coming? If the collapse happens then what happens after the 17? Any guesses?
Take care frens
We come together like butt cheeks…that’s what happens
Clamping down like turd-cutters...
This dude gets it
Did someone mention Obooboo? Kek
I'll hazard a guess or two:
The US Private Corporation has had it's main money spigots turned off, It is broke and unable to pay enough instalments on it's multi-Trillion of debt. Unless they come up with enough real money for the repayment, as they have previously, they have run out of grace period and will be declared bankrupt.
It's shit or Bust time for them.
Klaus Schwab had the job of getting everyone herded into his Great Reset of a Marxist Utopia, by force, as they always are. His is the fallback system for when the Dollah collapses.
Ideal time in History to kick the bums out and establish a few Republics around the Planet.
If the SHTF, then "Armageddon... outta here!!!"
Leg me go with you!
...and my axe.
here is a thread I started with a verbatim synopsi it should be uploaded here later ep 1449 it was the 10:10-10:15AM area
17... #AmIRight
Was that said on his last show ? Do you have a clip or a timestamp ?
Just told Mary and link to see when it uploads
Which collapse are you referring to?
Famine, fires, floods, droughts, starvation, disease, war... Maybe we've been living Armageddon our whole lives.