Because if a lifeform that resembled a fertilized egg, even a day old, was found on let's say Mars, it would be the most important scientific discovery in History.
Because if a lifeform that resembled a fertilized egg, even a day old, was found on let's say Mars, it would be the most important scientific discovery in History.
My litmus test, if I know nothing about a politician.
Where they stand concerning the unborn, tells me all I need to know.
Same here.
I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. My mom had a dream about me before I was born. In the dream her deceased father (a baptist preacher) came to her and told her she needed to have a c section or both her and her unborn daughter would die. She said she woke up crying from the dream. When I was born my mom had to have an emergency c section and I was born not breathing and was blue. If she had tried to have me natural (like my dad wanted) we both would have died. I feel like there was definitely divine intervention with her having that dream!
It begins at conception because if left alone and not aborted it would be a fully developed human being in less than a year. It's impossible to argue that point.
It begins at conception because the "spark of life" has actually been seen on camera and documented.
It begins at conception because none of us got here by any other means. There's only one path to birth, and that path begins at conception. Without conception, there is only a period.
The rate at which a human grows within the first year of life is astounding! Humans can only create more humans, I’m not sure why so many people try to debate that.
So we know that it is a living human that is not part of the mother's body but this same DNA shows that it is not some sort of parasite.
I have concerns that if R v W is overturned, they will use that to say we don't have any privacy concerning medical procedures, and that will translate to vaccine passports. Hope I'm mistaken.
A central component of R v W concerns the privacy of a woman's health. When they ask for proof of vaccination, they are breaking HIPAA laws and the Privacy Act. If R v W is overturned then they could say the HIPAA laws and Privacy Act are moot. This would make it harder to successfully sue over vaccine mandates.
They can say and argue whatever nonsense they want. They are losing, they will continue to lose and we're not going back to whatever they want.
Privacy of health concerns are not limited within RvW though. They exist outside of it, do they not? Because they used privacy of women's health to pass rvw doesn't mean that overturning would overturn HIPAA or the Privacy Act, that would have to happen elsewhere.
We will never truly be able to sue over the mandates, that was just pushed as a way to make us less likely to be worried about the mandates. There is a bunch that we would have to overturn to be able to sue over vaccination, vaccination damage (there is a slush fund but this isn't the cause of anyone being sued it is hush money set aside to push NDAs on the people that experience negative side effects) and you consented to be governed when you voted. That would include mandates.
Our only hope here is to argue that the mandates are unconstitutional, vote no confidence in those that pushed them to get those people out and hopefully get people involved that are in favor of returning to the Republic
Life begins when the first brain cells develop, which is normally a few weeks after conception.
In the case of Seattle and Portland... it can sometimes take up to 30 years.
Really? and just when does the Soul develop ?
It doesn't "develop". It already exists. It enters the foetus anytime up to or at birth.
At conception... one good egg, one good sperm, one good soul = human or animal
There are a lot of microscopic organisms that are alive and don't have anything resembling a brain.
I'd say yes, except for the fact that he is, unfortunately, not microscopic.
And we kill them en mass with things like soap, antibiotics, sterilizations efforts, etc. Clearly we as humans don't see such life as worthy of protecting day in and day out.
If you think about it, in order for one thing to live, something else has to die. Everything has to feed, whether it be on plant life or animal life.
A good comparison to this would be: A brain-dead patient.
When is it okay to legally "pull the plug" on a brain-dead patient?
When they have no chance of recovery. When there is a clear knowledge to that fact, that the patient cannot, and will not become un-brain dead.
The difference with a Fetus?
It has a near 100% chance to become un-brain dead.
Life begins at conception because the probability of active brain cells developing are near 100%.
technically the sperm cell and egg are alive on their own. When they meet they merge to create a human but to say that life requires brain cells would amount to we could kill a lot of "living" people.
Lies! As far as we can tell, life began once 4 billion years ago.
how does one turn back the clock seventy years? it's not going be a quick solution, in my opinion...the new Texas Heartbeat Law is certainly a step in the right direction, and another step would be to let each state decide on their own...not a complete solution to end abortions, but a start...liberal public education/indoctrination must change, responsible parenting must be in the mix, the realities of the big abortion marketplace and after-market fetus abominations must be brought into the light, and many more related issues to wake up the general belief is that if we stand as "all or nothing" then we will end up with nothing being done, and wholesale abortion on demand will continue...this GAW site is a wonderful place for dialogue, reliable info and above all "TRUTH" of what's really happening here and around the world...thanks for letting me share my opinion...
I would say it would be significant to find ANY life outside of Earth because we have yet to see it. A couple cells here is no big deal because life is abundant everywhere. I don't think abortion should be illegal but I do wish we could come to some kind of middle ground like no abortions after 3 months or something and also encourage all sexually active women to take pregancy tests once a month. I would actually like to see a group discussion on the topic with people with various opinions and backgrounds because I really don't think it's a black and white issue like most people seem to think.
The Abhidhamma confirms this
Life begins at decision...
"Gee Honey, should we start a family..?" It worked for me...