"The Secretary of the US Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. considered Jacob Wallenberg strongly pro-German, and the US subjected the Bank to a blockade that was only lifted in 1947 after the Safehaven-negotiations in Washington, DC, where the Wallenbergs were defended by Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles,[28] both friends of the Wallenberg family."
This is actually not that hard even though people in this movement are utterly resistant to the facts.
Do you understand what power is in the age of internet?
Do you know that one globalist family controls both the telecom and power industry with their global companies ABB ( energy ) and Ericsson ( telecom/internet ).
Do you know that they have a global monopoly since the early 1900s on every continent?
White hats took control of US Ericsson in november 2019. Interestingly enough the covid outbreak started at the same time.
These companies belong to an umbrella corporation called Investor and is rooted in sweden.
Rothschild, Soros and such are just puppets and dead ends. Putting your attention to the puppets instead of the puppet master is just distorting the focus from the truth.
To answer your question. The most powerful people in the world are the wallenberg family.
Swedes are completly unaware of this but we are slowly waking up now.
I researched them some just now. Literally on Wikipedia it says in the first sentence that they are ‘Europe’s most powerful business family’. That seems like a clue lol. Then I may ask, how might you imagine the relationship between the head of the this family, and let’s say as an example, Obama. Do you think he gets on the phone with Obama and says ‘Right, you little bitch, here’s what to do’… or what? What is the nature of his power and/or leadership?
Knowledge is power. Its their hardware that runs the internet and they log everything. You can make the case that it works like a global gestapo in the hands of a private company. Blackmail is a heavy factor and also knowledge of what everyone is doing/talking because of 24/7 surveillance.
Think about banks for a while. A bank is completely useless if it cant communicate with other banks. Like a train without a rail road. How do banks communicate? Through the means of this global telecom empire. That means that all banks are dependent on this family. Remember that this family has complete surveillance on everybody as well.
Protip: keep an extra eye out for news about sweden. Just like all roads lead to rome. All roads in the digital age leads to sweden.
Fun fact: 70% of the worlds internet traffic goes through sweden. We have the infamous FRA law which originates from the military operation Stella Polaris which means that all data/internet traffic has to be stored and cant be erased.
Quant...one of them...look them up when you want your noodle twisted. Amazing Polly did a video on the vaxx passports and their nazi roots...one family.. Seimens....QUANT
The highest ranking that I know of are (in no order): Biden, Obama, Hillary, Rothschild family head, Soros, Pope, Xi, Gates, Bezos, Queen, Merkel, Zuckerberg... But I can't help but assume they all bow down before someone else. Someone who has not revealed themselves to us.
C'mon. Obama is a mongrel and a successful operative. HRC/Bill is one of the most successful operative duos. Soros is one of their most talented operatives, a high-ranking one if you will.
Let's imagine that the head of the Payseur family is the full on emperor. In what way do you imagine he interacts with those below him, gives orders etc? Does he spawn their ideology? Would he literally meet with people like Obama and tell him what to do?
I think one of the main objectives of the great awakening is to determine the precise structure. Perhaps "objective" isn't the right word. I think that finding out is simply something that will happen.
President Trump / Laura Ingraham Interview / 30 Sep 2020
"People that you have never heard of."
"People that are in the dark shadows."
https://youtu.be/N7mDddUjZx8?t=907 (time stamped)
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
The swedish family wallenbergs family motto is esse non videri. To act but not be seen, roughly translated.
See my other post in this thread for a bit more info
Here's a sticky wicket...
"The Secretary of the US Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. considered Jacob Wallenberg strongly pro-German, and the US subjected the Bank to a blockade that was only lifted in 1947 after the Safehaven-negotiations in Washington, DC, where the Wallenbergs were defended by Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles,[28] both friends of the Wallenberg family."
Oops, that's a flock of dirty birds if the Dulleses are in it.
That's scary as fuck. Edit: I mean BRING IT ON!!! NCSWIC!
The black pope controls many things. Payseurs and other bloodline families. Yes, we won’t know many names and that is by design.
Full name please? Who is the current head of the family?
This is actually not that hard even though people in this movement are utterly resistant to the facts.
Do you understand what power is in the age of internet?
Do you know that one globalist family controls both the telecom and power industry with their global companies ABB ( energy ) and Ericsson ( telecom/internet ).
Do you know that they have a global monopoly since the early 1900s on every continent?
White hats took control of US Ericsson in november 2019. Interestingly enough the covid outbreak started at the same time.
These companies belong to an umbrella corporation called Investor and is rooted in sweden.
Rothschild, Soros and such are just puppets and dead ends. Putting your attention to the puppets instead of the puppet master is just distorting the focus from the truth.
To answer your question. The most powerful people in the world are the wallenberg family.
Swedes are completly unaware of this but we are slowly waking up now.
I researched them some just now. Literally on Wikipedia it says in the first sentence that they are ‘Europe’s most powerful business family’. That seems like a clue lol. Then I may ask, how might you imagine the relationship between the head of the this family, and let’s say as an example, Obama. Do you think he gets on the phone with Obama and says ‘Right, you little bitch, here’s what to do’… or what? What is the nature of his power and/or leadership?
Knowledge is power. Its their hardware that runs the internet and they log everything. You can make the case that it works like a global gestapo in the hands of a private company. Blackmail is a heavy factor and also knowledge of what everyone is doing/talking because of 24/7 surveillance.
Think about banks for a while. A bank is completely useless if it cant communicate with other banks. Like a train without a rail road. How do banks communicate? Through the means of this global telecom empire. That means that all banks are dependent on this family. Remember that this family has complete surveillance on everybody as well.
Protip: keep an extra eye out for news about sweden. Just like all roads lead to rome. All roads in the digital age leads to sweden. Fun fact: 70% of the worlds internet traffic goes through sweden. We have the infamous FRA law which originates from the military operation Stella Polaris which means that all data/internet traffic has to be stored and cant be erased.
Quant...one of them...look them up when you want your noodle twisted. Amazing Polly did a video on the vaxx passports and their nazi roots...one family.. Seimens....QUANT
Some Medici or something probably. Maybe some Tibetan
The House of Wettin and the World Governance Council, maybe?
This council is controlled by the the Countess of Arran.
Not this pope. He is a stooge for some other church group, I think, that goes back many years.
Full name? Or Ghostbusters joke?
Gozer the gozerian I believe is his full name
The highest ranking that I know of are (in no order): Biden, Obama, Hillary, Rothschild family head, Soros, Pope, Xi, Gates, Bezos, Queen, Merkel, Zuckerberg... But I can't help but assume they all bow down before someone else. Someone who has not revealed themselves to us.
These guys are mere lieutenants. They are certainly NOT the top of the pyramid.
I certainly agree.
C'mon. Obama is a mongrel and a successful operative. HRC/Bill is one of the most successful operative duos. Soros is one of their most talented operatives, a high-ranking one if you will.
It has to be someone old money.
Not sure Xi is Cabal.
I think the Rothshilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs and the rest of these "bloodline" families are on top, perhaps Peyseur is even higher.
The rest you mention are IMO just puppets. But bad enough!
Let's imagine that the head of the Payseur family is the full on emperor. In what way do you imagine he interacts with those below him, gives orders etc? Does he spawn their ideology? Would he literally meet with people like Obama and tell him what to do?
I think one of the main objectives of the great awakening is to determine the precise structure. Perhaps "objective" isn't the right word. I think that finding out is simply something that will happen.