Folks who got it and got it are sure they didn't get it as bad as they woulda got it if they didn't get it. Those who got it and died have remained silent as to the reduced severity in passing.
They died for a cause...did the right thing for the survival of humanity. The survivors, aka "the un-vaxed", will know doubt get two erect statues, and feel guilty... kno wtah i mean?
This is my sister in a nutshell. No matter how much logic you use, she refuses to comprehend. Kicks herself for not getting the booster before “some unvaxxed person exposed her to the bug”, but is positive the double jab saved her life. ......Forehead slap.
Many people still do not believe that the jab is harmful because they know people who have received the jab (multiple jabs) that have not yet exhibited any side effects ...
I am wondering how long before they all start suffering the consequences...
We will all suffer loss of loved ones and friends... I am so very sad and angry!
Only 5 percent of each lot is tainted. They always take it slow as to keep suspicion down. But the more jabs you get the more likely you will get a bad one
How do you know you have covid? From the PCR test that returns 90% false positives, doesnt distinguish between the flu and covid and that the CDC will discontinue on January 1, 2022 because it is is garbage and because Gates and Fauci have funded a new test (that is sure to work bahhahaha)?
Not played but had to stop what they would have done. Killed millions to start. He was able to start with mostly harmless or placebo and that stopped the evil track they were on. Millions more would have been dead but he was able to get info on therapeutics to those of us who listened and started spreading the word.
I think Trump got played by big Pharma too. Unfortunately, his ego won't allow him to admit it now. You have to admit, he was successful in getting the covid "vaccines" out faster than they would have otherwise, so he is likely pulled between his ego telling him to take credit for that, and now, with knowledge of all that transpired to get them out and into arms, and knowledge of what they are doing to people, his conscience is probably at war with his ego. But we have seen that his ego seems to always win over his conscience or sense of humility. I like what Trump has done for the country, but like millions, and millions, of people who support his Presidency, we don't like his personality and character flaws.
yeah I figured trump was caught in a catch 22, if he supports the vaxx that's obviously a problem but if not then he could get gaslit as crazy but indeed he didn't support mandates
I thought Trump has all the Q info and other military intelligence? How could he end up getting played by big pharma when he has all those resources at his disposal?
People behind the attack, as well as those planning the defense surely are studying and planning for operational phases of their respective plans.
When the vaxxed are clearly dying due to the vax, getting mocked for this, and when the perps and killers show their hand by how they react - with terrified panic, with 'shut it down' hysterics.. thats a new phase right there. All the while fake news says all the deaths are just coincidences.. or climate change... or any other contrived excuse.
This thread is a perfect example of the 'meme them till they cry, then meme them crying':
The biggest 'i told you so' in human history will be grim and bloody, I endorse whatever way that lightens this as possible.. comedy is a good strategy.
The really idiotic part is they convinced themselves it would have been worse if they hadn't instead of realizing the experimental drug is what made them sick to begin with.
Big Pharma needs to banned from advertising just like they did to cigarette companies. That would hurt MSM a big time.
Folks who got it and got it are sure they didn't get it as bad as they woulda got it if they didn't get it. Those who got it and died have remained silent as to the reduced severity in passing.
Now that oughta be a viral post !!😵💫😂
They died for a cause...did the right thing for the survival of humanity. The survivors, aka "the un-vaxed", will know doubt get two erect statues, and feel guilty... kno wtah i mean?
Cuz muh feelings too!
This is my sister in a nutshell. No matter how much logic you use, she refuses to comprehend. Kicks herself for not getting the booster before “some unvaxxed person exposed her to the bug”, but is positive the double jab saved her life. ......Forehead slap.
Many people still do not believe that the jab is harmful because they know people who have received the jab (multiple jabs) that have not yet exhibited any side effects ...
I am wondering how long before they all start suffering the consequences...
We will all suffer loss of loved ones and friends... I am so very sad and angry!
Only 5 percent of each lot is tainted. They always take it slow as to keep suspicion down. But the more jabs you get the more likely you will get a bad one
How do you know you have covid? From the PCR test that returns 90% false positives, doesnt distinguish between the flu and covid and that the CDC will discontinue on January 1, 2022 because it is is garbage and because Gates and Fauci have funded a new test (that is sure to work bahhahaha)?
They seriously got played.
If they demand a class action suit for Pharma damages. We get 50% of the payout. If they listened to us instead of persecuting, all would be rosy now.
kind of off topic but what's this win's take on Trump being for the vax in relation to Q and all that, I've never tried to make sense of it
Not played but had to stop what they would have done. Killed millions to start. He was able to start with mostly harmless or placebo and that stopped the evil track they were on. Millions more would have been dead but he was able to get info on therapeutics to those of us who listened and started spreading the word.
I think Trump got played by big Pharma too. Unfortunately, his ego won't allow him to admit it now. You have to admit, he was successful in getting the covid "vaccines" out faster than they would have otherwise, so he is likely pulled between his ego telling him to take credit for that, and now, with knowledge of all that transpired to get them out and into arms, and knowledge of what they are doing to people, his conscience is probably at war with his ego. But we have seen that his ego seems to always win over his conscience or sense of humility. I like what Trump has done for the country, but like millions, and millions, of people who support his Presidency, we don't like his personality and character flaws.
yeah I figured trump was caught in a catch 22, if he supports the vaxx that's obviously a problem but if not then he could get gaslit as crazy but indeed he didn't support mandates
I thought Trump has all the Q info and other military intelligence? How could he end up getting played by big pharma when he has all those resources at his disposal?
People behind the attack, as well as those planning the defense surely are studying and planning for operational phases of their respective plans.
When the vaxxed are clearly dying due to the vax, getting mocked for this, and when the perps and killers show their hand by how they react - with terrified panic, with 'shut it down' hysterics.. thats a new phase right there. All the while fake news says all the deaths are just coincidences.. or climate change... or any other contrived excuse.
This thread is a perfect example of the 'meme them till they cry, then meme them crying':
The biggest 'i told you so' in human history will be grim and bloody, I endorse whatever way that lightens this as possible.. comedy is a good strategy.
The fake news will blame US.
This guy & Zuby been tearin-it-up!!
b-b-b-but the tv told me so... so the vaccines have to be good, right..... RIGHT???? .... sob..............................
They'll take it to the grave that their decision was right, and it was all the dirty anti-vaxxers fault.
The really idiotic part is they convinced themselves it would have been worse if they hadn't instead of realizing the experimental drug is what made them sick to begin with.
Always easier to get mad at someone else for one's own bad decisions.
The old Mark Twain adage has never been more appropriate than it is now: "It's much easier to fool someone than to convince him he's been fooled."
Flu shots at the least are a financial scam, at the worst they are the Covid shot with just another name.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Imagine you find out your parents are trying to kill you. Easier to get mad at us.
Idiots are doubling down for the ‘bousta’
Oh not true their DNA has been altered and they need boosters and they are still getting sick. Oops