Of course I pray she has a full recovery and is fine, because while I disagree with her about everything, she is my coworker and I want her to be healthy. Plus she actually has a very important role in our small business.
That said, I can't help but laugh about the irony!
I'm still the only pure blood in the office, have never gotten COVID (while 2 of my vaccinated coworkers did) and everyone now is clamoring to schedule their boosters -- including a pregnant woman!! I've gotten to the point now where it's too late, their minds won't be changed, and I just hope they're getting saline solution.
The thing about the supposed saline is, I don't know anyone who didn't get really sick from the vaccine, except for the guy I told you about that took Ivermectin before and after. So I have a hard time believing there are a lot of saline doses out there. Has this been other people's observation?
I personally know 3 deaths within 2 weeks of second shot and I know 10-12 in the 2-shot club that still don’t feel right and now wish they hadn’t taken it.
0 of my unvaxxed friends have died but quite a few have got it and said they’ve never been sicker, myself included. 1 was hospitalized but was severely overweight with underlying Comorbidities but he pulled through.
If we saw people winning lotteries at the rate we are seeing adverse reactions from these vaccines people would be lined up for miles and for days upon days to get tickets. People would drop their life savings to buy as many tickets as possible. And they would be smart since it would be the winningest lottery in history.
Lottery prizes come from a pool of funds, winnings would be so small it might not even be worth the price of a ticket.
I personally know of 1 death within 90 mins of getting the booster (anaphylactic reaction + heart failure); a 24 year old with multiple "mini-strokes" + cognitive impairment one week post 1st jab; and a 30 year old athlete who now has ongoing heart palpatations which cardiologist says may require surgery; several others sharing about family members with heart attacks, blood clots, and cancer returning. Crimes against humanity.
Similar. I haven't had but some very good unvaxxed friends have and say they wouldn't wish it on their worst enemy.
My dad took 2 Pfizer shots. He didn't feel so good the night of the first one, didn't complain about the second one at all. And has been fine since. That was maybe 3 months ago his second shot that is.
Same here. He's not getting the booster or anything and didn't go hunting after his second expecting it to be worse. Turned out to be nothing.
He's 69 for reference
I mentioned this elsewhere, but I know people in South America that were mandated to get jabbed by the government in order to participate in any aspect of society. These people that I know, plus all their vast families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. have not had one adverse reaction of any kind. I don’t think they’re getting the same jab that the US is getting. Someone would have gotten sick. It’s not plausible that everyone that got jabbed is fine and dandy, unless they got saline, or a non-poisonous vial of whatever.
I know 1 out of several dozen if not hundreds between students, coworkers, family, friends, extended family. Etc.
I know people who had no reaction at all and one who got really sick so 7 of 8 that I can think about off the top of my head.
My wife works at an elementary school. The vast majority of young kids that are getting vaxxed (K-2nd) are getting sick for a day or two.
They’re also still getting Covid of course.
WOW. Gives credence to theory that they are good and bad in batches though.
Stunning breakdown. Completely deliberate criminal conspiracy between all three vax companies. https://rumble.com/embed/vnn3lo/?pub=4
Everyone I know got really sick after tbr first jabs. Not too bad after the 2nd. One guy with pre-existing heart condition felt the worst after his 3rd shot. :(
On needed lots of OBGYN procedures, one lost her leg from blood clots, one had their first ever car accident in their 40 years of driving. One has an enlarged heart, has been hospitalized 3 times with multiple organ failures - coded twice and was revived - they are really suffering.
They all think what's happening to them is vax related.
Most of them are surprised I'm not vaxed yet.
Mods of them are encouraging their kids to have their grandchildren vaxed.
Most of them say the KNOW the vax is safe.
All but 2 have gotten "covid" since being vaccinated.
All but one had lost a loved one during 2020 "Covid" rollout.