“You are not human” - German police
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Just germans doing german thing..
I have never seen "commies arent human" written and I have never heard a single person say it.
WTF kind of crap is that?
I've never said communists aren't human. There are very few things more human than being a lying lunatic nut-bag like most communist. Doesn't change the fact we need to end them before they end us.
Theres a whole ‘nother side to WW2 that we are never taught...
Q claimed nazis were deep state
It’s disingenuous for Q followers of all people to be spreading this sick shit
It only takes basic reasoning and research abilities to reach that conclusion too, you gotta be a fucking retard to think otherwise. All the parallels between the DS and Nazis are there. Some people on here are far too disconnected from reality.
The parallels are due to the source of the conflict being the same.
Sure, some Nazis, especially scientists, defected to Nasa and other American government entities.
But that doesn't change the fact that the Rothschilds are one of the few driving forces behind this conflict. Today as they were back then. After WW1 communists tried to destroy Europe using the same tactics as they are right now in the EUSSR and in America. The driving force behind communism are the Rothschilds, who are directly related to Karl Marx. They were the ones that murdered tens of millions in Soviet Russia (bolshevik communists) and the same that tried to takeover Europe.
Now they're doing the exact same thing.
Whatever you were told about history was written by them. Because they won WW2 through proxy. They own the Federal Reserve and hence America. They own Europe. They started the conflict and they won WW2. Everything that happened since served only one purpose, obfuscate the criminals and ensure that they can complete their totalitarian takeover.
Do. Your. Research.
Cut them some slack....it's hard living on a flat earth.
Nazis and commies were controlled by the same group.
If not mistaken, one of the connections was the red shield family and associates.
Disinformation is necessary ~ Q
I really don’t believe you can apply the “disinformation is necessary” to that statement. It doesn’t serve a misdirecting purpose for the enemy. It was a direct statement on a historical event. Stop stretching everything Q says to fit into your whacked out ideologies.
Nazis were definitely among the bad guys.
Fuck outta here with that shit, everyone with half a brain knows that the Nazis and WWII were the DS setting the stage for total global control in various ways , one was to set up covert evil Government in America using Nazi scientists and other political figures, along with establishing Israel and the UN.
this no longer passes the smell test to me.
faaaaaaar too many hollywood movies depicting the evil germans for me to buy it anymore.
the demonization of nationalism followed WW2... and now look at our world as a result?
Look at all the American Freemasons (Watson of IBM, Senator Bush, Ford) that helped Hitler rise to power.
Look at the home videos of the British Royal Family & King Edward the VIII fanatical support of Hitler.
Hitler was a stooge for the Rothchilds & his purpose was to help further destroy Christian Europe & facilitate the founding of Israel for this Phoenician/ Caananite masters.
Nazis and Commies were controlled by the same group. Divide and conquer tactics.
One side had to be the sacrafical lamb. The higher ups were kept safe.
It doesnt matter if they are portrayed as evil or whatever, the Nazi regime wss a tool of the DS to set up what they did in WWII, along with setting up a sympathetic class of people you cannot talk badly about, and then anyone who wants to get away with stuff can pretend to be that protected class.
The DS doesnt care about the image of Nazis after WWII, they did their job, its actually beneficial that Nazis are seen as evil because now Nazis are here again but we cant compare them becaue "Real Nazis were so much worse, they targeted Jews and made skin lamps and soap", when in reality it started very similar to the vaccine pass.
Now we get a good website with bitchute but no one takes it seriously because eveeything on it was "Nazi good" i hate censorship but that was annoying.
You think Nazis were good? Go look up the gesundheitspass, the covid pass of the 40s.
To be fair, the US government was evil long before WW2,
But yeah, Hitler was obviously a “post turtle” who couldn’t get where he was without some serious help
Interesting. Whenever i see someone mention teh joos, i always just assume its a hasbara shill