MSM worried about “Trump’s Next Coup” 🤔 They are afraid of the 30 million +++ people who are now awake...🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸
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If it really was less than 10% or anywhere near that number the media would not be worried about a Trump Coup
I agree, but i would tell you that i believe we are close to a major event or two happening to shock more of the normies awake. Lots of talk in the news and in our circles about internet, satellite, grid shut down due to solar flares, hacking, internet virus, war drums and of course economic collapse. Dark winter. I think white hats get us through Christmas then all bets are off. Cliff High talks alot about the next month and a half waking people up
How long have we been telling people to turn off the lie-box and THINK!!!
People are noticing the price of their food and gas shooting up. I don't really think it will take THAT much for Americans to demand change. We have been in the First World all our lives, don't really know how good we have it, and thus have a low pain threshold. And it's the Media themselves who blasted to us that the Democrats are in charge, that there was no fraud, etc. etc., driving home to the masses that the Democrats are in charge of the mess they are noticing. The Democrats here are serving as the front line foot soldiers of the DS.
I know this is no comparison to what food means to the well being of people, but this semiconductor shortage is becoming a big problem regardless of what the fucking pinkos in the media are stating. It's not the big companies we all know and despise that seem to be struggling ... many small to midsized companies are facing challenges getting parts that were cheap and easy to get.
What's also amazing is that it seems that the parts in highest demand are available in decent quantities via chip brokers ... in China! One device I use constantly on small, niche kinds of projects is typically $8 in low quantities. The only place I can find them are via Chinese brokers ... I've seen them as high as $130. The lowest I saw was $48 ... and I highly doubt they're new ones.
Should this continue for a few more months, the US auto industry is going to implode. Good defense companies (not the giants that are corrupt to the core) are going to fail. Even many companies that produce home appliances are going to fail ... all because we depend on the Chinese for chip fabrication.
If people could see the shelves of semiconductor stores, they'd see what grocery stores in the USSR looked like on a bad day. These excuses the media are spewing are flat out wrong too ... there is literally a massive cut in supply ... this shortage has absolutely nothing to do with "ramping back up after COVID".
All very noticeable, and I don't think people are willing to tolerate much of it.
How awake are we talking? I know those involved in cryptocurrency are mostly right wing but I trade a lot of crypto and ~75% are adamantly against the jab (yes, I ask a lot of them).
I think BTC was probably invented by TPTB because it is super traceable. Maybe not as much so as spending from a debit card, but for sure moreso than paper cash.
Monero/XMR and other privacy coins like it, however, I think could be very important for us going forward.