As there is no test to determine a positive result for Covid, the delta variant, or the new Omnicron, we are still fueling the fire on Covid tests. The reason Covid was created was to introduce the population to the depopulation jab. But, we as Patriots are still reporting Covid cases, even though there is no test to prove anyone has this “flu”. The inventor of the PCR test has already stated it was not designed to test for a virus, thus his elimination from being any more vocal about it. Let’s stay focused frens on the elimination of the jab.
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Whether Covid or not, whether PCR positive or not, there are people (a small percentage) who are falling very sick (could be very well seasonal flu) and not being given treatments and dying. Its natural for people to call it Covid. Rather than fight the terminology, its better to keep educating people that people are not dying from "Covid" but rather from the hospital protocols.
When someone loses their loved one, they are bound to listen to what you say if you tell them that their loved one died due to not letting them access prevention and early treatment, rather than telling them "Covid does not exist".
Any factual debate is impossible because you can't tell what's true or false. For example debating the severity of the Omicron variant is by definition accepting that it even exists - which it may not.
Every time there is a rise in cases people come out and say "it's the vaccinated spreading it", but the cases could be all made up as far as we know. The debate is pointless.
In times like this you have to fall back on principles. In this case coercion = bad.
yeah I agree. we don't know whats true. I know there is something spreading that makes you completely lose your sense of smell and taste. whatever that happens to be in reality I'm calling covid19.
if the omicron variant exists, thats great since its super mild and makes the shots useless.
Pointless for us, division and distraction for them.
Excellent point, the whole damn thing is a farce, debating is a fool's errand.
Reminds me of something I overheard at work a number of years ago. A couple guys were talking, one a super hero fanatic, the other a super hero inquisitor and was asking the first guy questions about the origins of one of the super heroes, I don't recall which one now. So he was getting the back story and in awe was like, wow, did he really do that?! This forced me to bust out in chuckle, asking if a fictitious character had actually done something...
Focus on prosecuting the RICO criminal conspiracy to commit an act of domestic terrorism. Not only does the plandemic dissappear, but 90% of the world's corruption and problems...
Yes, we are. It is an easy trap to fall into. You work on ways to debate the narrative, next thing you know you are part of the narrative.
The issue is, normies shut down if you try to down play the virus ie cases or only 6% of deaths had no comorbidities. We shouldn't give up on these arguments, but sometimes you have to sow doubts in minds before they will consider the truth.
it went down to 5% last I saw, which has been a while. CDC even said the other 5% may just be from lack of reporting of comorbidities, meaning it could potentially literally be 0% of the deaths were strictly from "covid".
Repeat after me: “The PCR tests don’t work!”
I've had it, and so has the wife. However, I am open to the fact it could be just a new strain of the flu. If it is, it is a particularly bad one. I for the most part have been immune to the flu strains since catching a very severe one in my teens, and I recovered very fast from this one considering my age and health.
Then again there are investigations that indicate they were doing the research in Wuhan and that the initial outbreak was at Wuhan. We are also seeing that the research was funded by US tax dollars.
I agree it is a flu variant created in Wuhan. I also believe it isn’t any more lethal than a regular flu, but was designed to get people to take the jab. No other reason.
If by Wuhan, you mean University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, then yes.
OP's point is that you had SOMETHING, but how can you know it was covid-19?
The tests don't actually work, so how would you know you had "it"?
I don't think anyone doubts you were sick.
yep the flu is completely gone imagine that
We know the truth about the tests and all. The lefties still believe it's the best way to stop covid. So we just rub it in their face till they wake up
lets get that number as high as possible, when they start getting to near 80 percent start asking about herd immunity. Start at 22 minutes to hear interview.
Yesterday I listened to the interview of Dr. McCullough by Tracy Beanz. He stated that he had covid and he talked about identifying the Delta variant from the others and the fact that even though this virus is put together by man it is an identifiable sequence. I was under the impression that you could not test for the virus so this was different info than I had been led to believe. It really seems everything we are being told is a lie.