I love telling liberals who virtue signal their vax status and boostering
"You must really be thankful to have that Trump juice pumping through your veins"
Yeah im a shitdisturber sometimes LOL
I'd question whether it actually was Jesus Christ long before I'd get the vaxx.
Matthew 24: 4-6
4 Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5
For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.…
Agree! At this point it's all optics but it's not optics for us. It's not about us.
edit: If I had to guess I would say this has something to do with the new Army vaccine. My speculation here: The new vaccine is actually safe (I'm still not going to take it and I'm not offering medical advice. I definitely could be wrong!). Because the new vaccine is safe Trump wants it to displace the current unsafe vaccines. Trump wants to promote the new vaccine but he can't advertise it as the "Trump preferred" vaccine because then the Trump Derangement Syndrome people won't take it. He has to make it clear he loves all vaccines the same so that the TDS normies won't chose against the new vaccine based on their dislike of him. With optics in mind, he's coming into conflict with us (his supporters) on the vaccine issue so that he can save the normies from the narrative they're locked into.
Totally agree. It’s just for optics now. Q already told us Trump can’t seem to be involved at all with the incoming storm. He has to play stupid, so msm can’t turn around and say Trump set up the deep state.
What was the DS response to Omicron? They wanted tough lockdowns, harsher than anything they did for the more severe Delta variant. Why? Because omicron is a better vaccine than the vaccines. It could well end the pandemic if enough people catch it.
Trump’s sudden willingness to discuss and push the three Warp Speed vaccines could well signal Omicron will be the end. And the Army vaccine will be in reserve to block future SARS based weapons. The timing of his comments are significant, he is buying time for omicron to do its work.
Shills running out of things to divide us on. Whining about Trump and the jabs seems to be their latest push here. They badly want conservatives to turn against Trump. They hate the crowds that line up to greet him whenever he goes anywhere. Look at the crowds he drew in Dallas (and it costs good money to go to that Trump/ O'reilley event) and they weren't coming for Bill.
A strong and trusted leader makes infiltration hard. Trump's leadership makes it much harder to infiltrate the conservative movement. You see the DS desperately trying to wiggle their saboteurs inside.
Remember when Veritas exposed the leftists Alex Stovall who was attempting to infiltrate the GOP in Arizona? What exposed Alex (besides his own idiocy)? His ranting about Trump and the 2020 election.
Trump remains a catastrophic threat to the DS. They need us to turn against him and they need us to believe it's over. They are losing big. Look at CNN. Look at the people stepping down.
Shills only remaining card to push dooming here are their claims about the jab.
I wrote a reply to another post that almost exactly mirrors your words above. Im not sure what his 5D chess motive is here, but as usual, Im sure hes playing othello, while the Dems play chess and the Repubs play checkers.
I love telling liberals who virtue signal their vax status and boostering "You must really be thankful to have that Trump juice pumping through your veins" Yeah im a shitdisturber sometimes LOL
I'd question whether it actually was Jesus Christ long before I'd get the vaxx.
Matthew 24: 4-6
4 Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.…
Agree! At this point it's all optics but it's not optics for us. It's not about us.
edit: If I had to guess I would say this has something to do with the new Army vaccine. My speculation here: The new vaccine is actually safe (I'm still not going to take it and I'm not offering medical advice. I definitely could be wrong!). Because the new vaccine is safe Trump wants it to displace the current unsafe vaccines. Trump wants to promote the new vaccine but he can't advertise it as the "Trump preferred" vaccine because then the Trump Derangement Syndrome people won't take it. He has to make it clear he loves all vaccines the same so that the TDS normies won't chose against the new vaccine based on their dislike of him. With optics in mind, he's coming into conflict with us (his supporters) on the vaccine issue so that he can save the normies from the narrative they're locked into.
Totally agree. It’s just for optics now. Q already told us Trump can’t seem to be involved at all with the incoming storm. He has to play stupid, so msm can’t turn around and say Trump set up the deep state.
I wish I could upvote this more than once.
The retards at Patriots.win are losing their fucking minds.. lol Seems their critical thinking skills have been overcome by muh feelings.
They had thinking skills?
Who knew?
They still listen to ConInc shills like Alex Jones. They have yet to figure out that the blackpill is their business model.
It is unfortunate, but all the more reason for us to see this through.
What was the DS response to Omicron? They wanted tough lockdowns, harsher than anything they did for the more severe Delta variant. Why? Because omicron is a better vaccine than the vaccines. It could well end the pandemic if enough people catch it.
Trump’s sudden willingness to discuss and push the three Warp Speed vaccines could well signal Omicron will be the end. And the Army vaccine will be in reserve to block future SARS based weapons. The timing of his comments are significant, he is buying time for omicron to do its work.
Shills running out of things to divide us on. Whining about Trump and the jabs seems to be their latest push here. They badly want conservatives to turn against Trump. They hate the crowds that line up to greet him whenever he goes anywhere. Look at the crowds he drew in Dallas (and it costs good money to go to that Trump/ O'reilley event) and they weren't coming for Bill.
A strong and trusted leader makes infiltration hard. Trump's leadership makes it much harder to infiltrate the conservative movement. You see the DS desperately trying to wiggle their saboteurs inside.
Remember when Veritas exposed the leftists Alex Stovall who was attempting to infiltrate the GOP in Arizona? What exposed Alex (besides his own idiocy)? His ranting about Trump and the 2020 election.
Trump remains a catastrophic threat to the DS. They need us to turn against him and they need us to believe it's over. They are losing big. Look at CNN. Look at the people stepping down.
Shills only remaining card to push dooming here are their claims about the jab.
My parents got it last January because, “Well Trump is the one who pushed it.”
I wrote a reply to another post that almost exactly mirrors your words above. Im not sure what his 5D chess motive is here, but as usual, Im sure hes playing othello, while the Dems play chess and the Repubs play checkers.
So you would believe an anonymous internet troll over Jesus. And you say you are not in a cult.