Jizzlane Maxwell - whether you like Jordan or not, his words make sense.
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What will you say if the sentencing stands and she’s eligible for parole in 10 years? She’ll get out when she’s 70, not bad.
Or are we expecting she’s going to work with the feds who we can totally trust to do the right thing??
Saying people are moving the goalposts because they are pissed at the light sentencing is kinda shitty, people are pissed and have a right to be as it stands right now she could do 10 and be released all while the records James comeys daughter( the prosecution) sealed stay sealed can’t get foia’d and the whole thing disappears faster than wieners laptop with “evidence of crimes against children by Hillary Clinton”
It’s not moving goalposts to be upset, and given what’s happened it’s not far fetched to say this is a cover up not a trial, but please go ahead and insult those people as doomers who move goalposts probably a great tactic to convince people to pay closer attention and join the q movement right?
No we don’t want dissenting opinions here on .win, this is a echo chamber take that discussion back to the Chan’s, right?
She's been in jail a while already and from the comments, wasn't treated particularly well. Why was she arrested in the first place? The general population was not even paying attention as Epstein was the magnet of attention (and why did he get arrested, himself, if he was previously untouchable?)
Her getting arrested on 6 counts and actually being guilty on 5 of them is a great thing.
It's okay to ask questions, but to take an immediate negative stance without knowing and assuming the worst is not really productive. This was a victory, and now we have to wait and see. But if you believe the plan is coming to fruition, and you look at all the other pieces being moved, there is a hell of an argument that it is coming to fruition.
It’s a great thing that out of the entire Epstein situation what we get is a dead Jeff and maxwell eligible for parole in 10 years? That’s a great thing?
I guess we have a difference of opinion on great things
That's not all we get, that's part of what we got so far. Also, top players in their circle like Jean-Luc and billionaire Lex Wesner of Victoria's Secret and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Sealed records may very well be due to ongoing investigations. If nothing pans out, then you can feel righteous indignation.
The records that were sealed by the prosecution, James Comeys daughter, that’s where your placing faith that more is coming?
Oh cool a couple CEO’s got fucked, wow that makes me feel better that no one in that black book had to testify under oath or that Maxwell wasn’t ousted as a mossad agent, definitely feel better thank you
Where the fuck are you getting 10 years from? She hasn't been sentenced yet
Google federal prison sentencing guidelines and read about serving sentences concurrently, crimes she found guilty of have a low minimum before parole eligibility, for the cunt, she’s currently looking at possibility of being able to walk in 10 years
There is no parole for federal crimes. You do the full time. Two of her guilty verdict carry a minimum sentence of 10 years so at the absolute minimum shes in for 20 on just those two charges. Id have to check on the minimums for the other three.
The only way the bitch ever sees the light of day again is if she lives to 100.
Learn the damn law and quit shilling.
You are almost correct, except federal prison sentencing guidelines are allowed in this case(puke), SO if she is ordered to serve sentences concurrently, Maxwell could face as little as 10 years.
See how they don’t talk about that tho, so you’ll forget by the time she strolls out
Also, if there’s no parole for federal crimes what happens to someone who’s only serving a 10 year federal sentence? When they get out, they don’t go on parole because the crimes federal? I don’t understand exactly what your saying