Ok...the sheeple are milling about in their cages getting jabs & waring 3 masks too do their part. They still think there is death around every corner. Trump is in their world speaking softly and making them feel comfortable. The virtue signaling will drive us mad...but WAR is hell. Now when the curtain gets pulled back the sheeple run right into his Loving Hands....
I'm thinking this speech was very big, and very important. The reason it was cancelled could be really big and important as well. I think maybe, just maybe, Trump was going to release something and the GOP made some major concession for him not to.
The Art of the Deal - Trump will come out the winner of the Jan 6 pissing contest..... Mitch and Lindsey will not come out looking like anything but the snakes they are.
This seems like the most likely explanation to me. Leave Biden out flapping in the breeze giving an incoherent speech by himself. He'll probably reference his role in the 30 Year's War and his time spent as the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian empire. C'mon, man
Nonsense. Trump doesn’t do what the GOP wants and certainly not McConnell. There’s another reason. Let’s see what plays out.
I'm with you.
I agree.... Patience, young Skywalker!
Ok...the sheeple are milling about in their cages getting jabs & waring 3 masks too do their part. They still think there is death around every corner. Trump is in their world speaking softly and making them feel comfortable. The virtue signaling will drive us mad...but WAR is hell. Now when the curtain gets pulled back the sheeple run right into his Loving Hands....
Does anyone really believe Trump would take advise from Mitch McConnell or Lindsay Graham?
Only the water heads...and there's plenty of them in here.
When Mitch makes a call on something that’s because he gets a call from his CCP handlers
I'm thinking this speech was very big, and very important. The reason it was cancelled could be really big and important as well. I think maybe, just maybe, Trump was going to release something and the GOP made some major concession for him not to.
He wants the bigger audience and coverage;)
The Art of the Deal - Trump will come out the winner of the Jan 6 pissing contest..... Mitch and Lindsey will not come out looking like anything but the snakes they are.
Mitch? I read that Lindsay Graham was taking credit..
Not a chance
I expect the hyperventilating by Lefttard media combined with the Dems had a lot to do with it. He will be speaking (forgot where) on the 15th.
"will speak at Jan. 15 Arizona rally"
I'm shocked he backed down.
He was baiting the DS again. It came out late yesterday that Biden would give a speech on Jan 6 (in the fake oval office, no doubt).
Trump was drawing out the DS to publicly acknowledge what they did on J6 2021 so he can use that against them.
Remember, we are at WAR!
This seems like the most likely explanation to me. Leave Biden out flapping in the breeze giving an incoherent speech by himself. He'll probably reference his role in the 30 Year's War and his time spent as the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian empire. C'mon, man
No backing down in 5D chess.
Alls fair.