16 yo healthy young girl dies post vaxx. Parents were divided. Family was divided. So sad...
48 yo man with multiple complications was on his way out of the hospital and died; was unvaxxed when he went in...
50 yo woman with health issues and vaxxed, died suddenly.
We are noticing many people pulling off the road on the highway...more than usual.
All this in 7 day span.
Last night, my husband told me that his brother's friend; 58 years old, perfectly healthy man, took the 1st shot ended up sick in the hospital in a coma. They gave him the flu shot while in the coma & it killed him.
Trying to figure out what goes through a hospital's collective mind when they decide to administer a flu shot to someone that literally can't even go out into the general population because they are in a coma.
That's about as controlled of an environment as you can get without being a laboratory.
money money money
It's sickening, isn't it? I don't know the family but I am curious if they gave permission for the flu shot.
Within the e-paperwork a patient, or the person able to sign for them, that is signed upon admission, is permission to administer biologics - vaxxines - or whatever they deem necessary for treatment. Patients need to be cognacent of what they are signing. No longer can we continue to give this a pass and be unaware of this assault upon us. We must act defensively when dealing with hospital admissions. Hospitals have changed the rules quietly and many patients and their families only find out about these rules after they have suffered from decisions made without their explicit consent because they signed these admission forms. These forms contain generalized and vague language that gives permissions for even the kitchen sink. We have to educate ourselves about navigating this minefield if we are going to survive.
Dr Ardis has on his website a link to download forms that must be signed and notorized before someone is admitted. We must have these forms on hand just in case we or a loved one ends up in the hospital for any reason. On this site there is also education and advocacy to fight for patient rights. It is too late many times once someone has been medically kidnapped. We must understand that we are at the disadvantage unless we flip the script on them. This the temporary new normal until we change it. Until then, if we want to protect ourselves and our families, we must understand this reality.
In general, people too often sign stuff without reading or thinking about it. In this situation, it could get them killed.
But, even worse, if someone is sick and signing, they might not know what they are doing. A signature under duress isn't legal, but, if the person is dead, it doesn't matter.
Those forms are designed for the hospital's bottom line, not for the patient. They are written by lawyers and bean counters. Orders for certain drugs, like vaxxines, heparin, etc, are generated as a matter of practice. We cannot continue to be ignorant of how they are operating. This is not necessarily the fault of the providers either. They are also to some extent, victims of the same machine that has taken over.
You are right. When someone has been hurt or is seriously ill, that is not the time to be worrying about what is hidden in those e-docs. We are going to have to do things differently if we are going to survive this system because there are times we are going to need some of the services they provide. We need to have docs at home ready to go in the event of hospitalization that have been filled out with a clear head and the ability to come to decisions about the care and treatment a person wants - when they are not under some kind of duress. Hospitals are less likely to buck someone that has legal ammunition and playing by their own stinking rules in the system they created. At the moment, we are not going to fight them any other way.
This is just the sad reality of where we are right now. Back when I was screaming about where this was headed, .... well, you know the story. Sometimes people have to be shown before they get it. It just saddens me because this lesson is going to come with a huge price tag.
Great food for thought. We need a pre-emptive strike with those hospital e-docs.
Unfortunately for the moment, we will have to fight them on their turf using their rules. Share this information far and wide.
Everyone needs to watch this video and take notes!
It's because now everything is a lengthy page or 20 on legalese and liability protections conditional on receiving service that you may really need.
For example if it's an emergency and they may die before you find an alternative, what are you really going to do?
Really hard to concentrate when you are bleeding out.
However, if you are not actually bleeding out, I found that you can cross out and change stuff while sitting in the waiting room, and the front desk person just files the thing.
Teacher at my brother-in-laws school. Overweight. Gets vaxxed. Get shingles. Gets covid. Goes to hospital. Gets ventilated. Dead
damn. What a shame.
For anyone at risk of shingles, whether vaxxed or not, there is a way to help keep double stranded DNA viruses in check. Shingles is from a form of herpes virus that causes chicken pox. It hides in the body in nerve ganglions and manifests when the immune system is challenged. It is not fun. Ask anyone that has suffered an outbreak. Just as a side note, the rise in shingles cases can be correlated with the introduction of the chicken pox vaxxinations in children. Problem, reaction, solution - shingles vaxxines, which cause shingles in about 30 percent of those that recieve the shot.
By taking 1000mg a day of L-lysine on an empty stomach is one way to help keep these critters under control. L-lysine helps with any of the herpes viruses.
In the future, no one will trust the medical establishment.
The future is now.
Yeah, but some of us haven't figured it out yet. Still lining up for shots and tests.
Why would they give the flu shot to someone in a coma, who can not consent. When you sign your Consent to Treat form write in no vaccinations and no ventilators. Ask for a copy and give it to a family member.
I was forced by the gov to take the shots (fuck off yes I was forced, not by a gun but by force of law) and I had bells palsy after the first stroke poke. Lasted like a day or two and faded away. Thought I was going to die of a stroke. Also ear pain and ringing in ear same side as the numb face. Second shot blessed me with a humming in my left ear. I just hope I dont die, but if I do I do I had no choice.
We always have a choice. Even if that choice is between what are less than ideal options. You made your decision based upon what you determined to be in your best interests given the cards that were on your table. I will not fault anyone for making what was surely a very difficult decision that came with many restless nights - whatever your reasons. But understand, you still made a choice and you will have to own the consequences, some good and some bad. Others, given the same choices, may have come to different decisions based upon the cards laid out on their own tables. Life is all about choices we make every day.
To be a truly free people, we must own the choices we make in life. Feeling like we have no choice is buying into victim mentality that enslaves us in our own minds. This is where they want us. Do what you do because you are the Master of your own ship. Do not give others that power over you. Here's to praying you get better. Stay in the fight and don't give up.
Also know one person with pericarditis, 40 yo male
Personal acquaintances, or in the news? Do you have sources? Just curious.
Direct experience
High school friend just died in her sleep 2 nights ago. 52 yo in central CT.